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On Demand Classes

Cycle Perform Crit Live with Drogan
Cycle Perform Crit Live Playback 11/03/2025 14
Equipment needed: None
Low | RIDE | PERFORM | Cycle Perform Crit Live | Drogan | 45 minutes
Cycle Ride Live with Frances
Cycle Ride Live Playback 08/03/2025 11
Equipment needed: None
Low | RIDE | PERFORM | Cycle Ride Live | Frances | 45 minutes
Cycle Ride Live with Dan
Cycle Ride Live Playback 07/03/2025 10
Equipment needed: None
Low | RIDE | PERFORM | Cycle Ride Live | Dan | 45 minutes
Cycle Ride Live with Frances
5 type
Cycle Ride Live Playback 05/03/2025 8
Equipment needed: None
Low | RIDE | PERFORM | Cycle Ride Live | Frances | 45 minutes
Cycle Perform Threshold Live with Gareth
Cycle Perform Threshold Live Playback 05/03/2025 8
Equipment needed: None
Low | RIDE | PERFORM | Cycle Perform Threshold Live | Gareth | 60 minutes
Cycle Perform Crit Live with Drogan
Cycle Perform Crit Live Playback 04/03/2025 7
Equipment needed: None
Low | RIDE | PERFORM | Cycle Perform Crit Live | Drogan | 45 minutes
Cycle Ride Live with Frances
5 type
Cycle Ride Live Playback 01/03/2025 4
Equipment needed: None
Low | RIDE | PERFORM | Cycle Ride Live | Frances | 45 minutes
Cycle Ride Live with Dan
5 type
Cycle Ride Live Playback 28/02/2025 3
Equipment needed: None
Low | RIDE | PERFORM | Cycle Ride Live | Dan | 45 minutes
Cycle Ride Live with Frances
Cycle Ride Live Playback 26/02/2025 1
Equipment needed: None
Low | RIDE | PERFORM | Cycle Ride Live | Frances | 45 minutes
Cycle Perform Threshold Live with Gareth
Cycle Perform Threshold Live Playback 26/02/2025 1
Equipment needed: None
Low | RIDE | PERFORM | Cycle Perform Threshold Live | Gareth | 60 minutes
Cycle Ride Live with Dan
5 type
Cycle Ride Live: TOMORROWLAND (#2) Playback 09/08/2024 660
Equipment needed: None
Low | RIDE | PERFORM | Cycle Ride Live | Dan | 45 minutes
Cycle Ride Live with Dan
Cycle Ride Live: TOMORROWLAND (#1) Playback 02/08/2024 660
Equipment needed: None
Low | RIDE | PERFORM | Cycle Ride Live | Dan | 45 minutes

Join Janine for a 10 minute Dynamic Core workout. 

Whether you only have time to squeeze 10 minutes of movement into your busy day, or you fancy a quick core burst at the end of your workout, this new On Demand release will fire up those abs. 

5 type
Dynamic Core 10
Equipment needed: Mat
Moderate | HIIT | HIIT Core Live | Janine | 10 minutes

Join Hattie for this feel good rhythm workout.

Rhythm is all about letting the music take control. Get ready to immerse yourself in the energy and catch that beat. The bike, the rhythm and the instructor will push you to your limits in the most addictive and endorphin boosting workout around, so saddle up, zone out and feel the rhythm. 

5 type
Rhythm: Feel Good Vibes 45
Equipment needed: Bike
Moderate | RIDE | PERFORM | Rhythm Live | Hattie | 45 minutes

Get ready to sweat as Frances takes you through a 20 minute Athletic HIIT session and unleash your inner athlete! 

Expect a mix of short and hard work interspersed with rest periods. You'll be left burning energy for hours.

Athletic HIIT 20
Equipment needed: Mat
Moderate | HIIT | HIIT Total Body Live | Frances | 20 minutes

Are you ready to take flight? 

Join Sarah for this Inversions practice, where you'll build your physical strength and to create a powerful foundation to go upside down. Sarah will also help you develop the inner-strength and self-belief to get upside down with confidence. 

Yoga Inversions 30
Equipment needed: Mat
Moderate | YOGA | Power Yoga 45 | Sarah | 30 minutes

Are you ready for Janine's EMOM?

She'll get you working 'Every Minute On the Minute', in this Strength workout so grab your sweat towel, water bottle and A-game!

5 type
EMOM Strength Total Body 15
Equipment needed: Dumbbells
Moderate | STRENGTH | Strength Total Body Live | Janine | 15 minutes

Join Gareth for a 45 minute Perform workout where you'll focus on 'Overs & Unders'.

Clip in and join our Perform workout to push your own effort and endurance levels whilst riding to the rhythm. You'll do a FTP test at the beginning of the class which will then set your effort levels for the rest of your workout, which is unique to you. If you're looking to add strength to your cycling, this class is for you.

Perform: Over & Unders 45
Equipment needed: Bike
Moderate | RIDE | PERFORM | Cycle Perform Live | Gareth | 45 minutes

Join Agnes in this Yoga for Courage flow. 

A calm and steady breath-lead flow, giving you time and space to explore and move into those spaces in the body that need some attention. Move with intention, take some nice moments to pause, and always remember to breathe. 

Yoga for Courage 45
Equipment needed: None
Moderate | YOGA | Yoga 45 | Agnes | 45 minutes

We're going clubbing with Claudia, so get ready to ride to the rhythm of all the ultimate remixes!

Rhythm is all about letting the music take control. Get ready to immerse yourself in the energy and catch that beat. The bike, the rhythm and the instructor will push you to your limits in the most addictive and endorphin boosting workout around, so saddle up, zone out and feel the rhythm. 

5 type
Rhythm: Club Remixes 30
Equipment needed: Bike
Moderate | RIDE | PERFORM | Cycle Rhythm | Claudia | 30 minutes

Join Ben for this 20 minute Compound Strength class.

Our Strength workouts are designed to help bullet proof your body. Think full body, control and expect expert coaching. A strong body is a happy body, right?!

Strength: Compound 20
Equipment needed: Dumbbells
Moderate | STRENGTH | Strength Live | Ben | 20 minutes

Join Ben for this 20 minute Push Strength class.

Our Strength workouts are designed to help bullet proof your body. Think full body, control and expect expert coaching. A strong body is a happy body, right?!

5 type
Strength: Push 20
Equipment needed: Dumbbells
Moderate | STRENGTH | Strength Live | Ben | 20 minutes

Join Ben for this 20 minute Pull Strength class.

Our Strength workouts are designed to help bullet proof your body. Think full body, control and expect expert coaching. A strong body is a happy body, right?!

Strength: Pull 20
Equipment needed: Dumbbells
Moderate | STRENGTH | Strength Live | Ben | 20 minutes

Reflect in this 45 minute Flow for Gratitude with Erin. 

A calm and steady breath-lead flow, giving you time and space to explore and move into those spaces in the body that need some attention. Move with intention, take some nice moments to pause, and always remember to breathe. 

Yoga for Gratitude 45
Equipment needed: Mat
Moderate | YOGA | Yoga 45 | Erin | 45 minutes

Join Frances for 30 minute HIIT Meta workout.

Our HIIT Meta is the ultimate metabolic conditioning workout. Meta is ancient Greek for 'go beyond' and that's exactly what you will do in HIIT Meta. Prepare to ramp up the intensity from the comfort of your own home!

HIIT Meta 30
Equipment needed: None
High | HIIT | HIIT Meta | Frances | 30 minutes

This 30 minute Flow for Stillness is perfect for winding out in the evening or taking some time for you during a busy day. 

A calm and steady breath-lead flow, giving you time and space to explore and move into those spaces in the body that need some attention. Move with intention, take some nice moments to pause, and always remember to breathe. 

5 type
Yoga for Stillness 30
Equipment needed: Mat
Moderate | YOGA | Yoga 45 | Agnes | 30 minutes

Dan's second On Demand release in his DJ Series features his favourite DJ or all time... Swedish House Mafia!

Clip in for our signature Ride workout and enjoy the Digme experience from the comfort of your own home. Concentrate on your numbers or lose yourself in the music – either way you’ll get a fantastic, challenging workout which will leave you buzzing. 

5 type
DJ Series: Swedish House Mafia 30
Equipment needed: Bike
Moderate | RIDE | PERFORM | Ride | Dan | 30 minutes

Join Janine for this 25 minute Strength workout, focused on working your Upper Body. 

Our Strength classes are efficient, effective, and explosive. Are you ready to bullet proof your body?

5 type
Upper body Strength 25
Equipment needed: Dumbbells
Moderate | STRENGTH | Strength Live | Janine | 25 minutes

Join Janine for this 25 minute Strength workout, focused on working your Lower Body. 

Our Strength classes are efficient, effective, and explosive. Are you ready to bullet proof your body?

5 type
Lower body Strength 25
Equipment needed: Dumbbells
Moderate | STRENGTH | Strength Live | Janine | 25 minutes

Join Dan for this classic DJ battle - this is one you won't want to miss!

Clip in for our signature Ride workout and enjoy the Digme experience from the comfort of your own home. Concentrate on your numbers or lose yourself in the music – either way you’ll get a fantastic, challenging workout which will leave you buzzing. 

5 type
DJ Ride Series: Avicii v Skrillex 45
Equipment needed: Bike
Moderate | RIDE | PERFORM | Ride | Dan | 45 minutes

Join Frances for this 10 minute Static Core workout. It's perfect if you're short of time or to tag on to the end of your workout.

Core: Static Ground 10
Equipment needed: Mat
Moderate | HIIT | HIIT Core | Frances | 10 minutes

Join Chloe for a quick 15 minute stretch session whenever you need it the most.

Our Stretch & Mobility classes are the perfect combination of strength, flexibility and stability as we bridge the gap between fitness and yoga. This class will help to improve your functional movement and help reduce your capacity for injury and even help improve your posture. Who doesn’t want to stand a little taller, are we right? Compliment your routine and your workouts, whilst allowing your body the release from the general day-to-day 

Beginners Stretch & Mobility 15
Equipment needed: None
Low | STRETCH & MOBILITY | Stretch & Mobility | Chloe | 15 minutes

This low impact HIIT workout with Janine is perfect for those that live in a flat or are looking for a bit more control.

Based on three elements - cardio, condition, move - our workouts have been specifically designed to be a total body workout. The mix of short and hard work interspersed with rest periods will leave you burning energy for hours!

5 type
Low Impact HIIT 20
Equipment needed: Mat
Moderate | HIIT | HIIT Total Body | Janine | 20 minutes

Rock it out on the bike with Louise in this 30 minute Punk Rock Rhythm workout!

Rhythm is all about letting the music take control. Get ready to immerse yourself in the energy and catch that beat. The bike, the rhythm and the instructor will push you to your limits in the most addictive and endorphin boosting workout around, so saddle up, zone out and feel the rhythm.

Punk Rock Rhythm 30
Equipment needed: Bike
Moderate | RIDE | PERFORM | Cycle Rhythm 60 | Louise | 30 minutes

Join Sarah as we introduce Breathwork to our On Demand library. 

Stretch out areas of the body that need some extra attention before practicing powerful breathing techniques. It's the perfect evening wind down, so roll out your mat and get comfy!


Yoga & Breathwork 30
Equipment needed: Mat
Low | YOGA | Breathwork 45 | Sarah | 30 minutes

It's time for the ultimate throwback with Ciaran's Boy Band v Girl Band rhythm ride!

Rhythm is all about letting the music take control. Get ready to immerse yourself in the energy and catch that beat. The bike, the rhythm and the instructor will push you to your limits in the most addictive and endorphin boosting workout around, so saddle up, zone out and feel the rhythm. 

Boy Bands v Girl Bands Rhythm 30
Equipment needed: Bike
Moderate | RIDE | PERFORM | Cycle Rhythm 60 | Ciaran | 40 minutes

Are you ready for Chloe's 30 minute Strength Meta class?

Strength is our exciting new workout where you can use your Kettlebells or Dumbbells. These workouts are designed to help bullet proof your body. Think full body, control and expect expert coaching. A strong body is a happy body, right?!

5 type
Strength Meta 30
Equipment needed: Dumbbells
Moderate | STRENGTH | Strength Meta Live | Chloe | 30 minutes

Heading out for a run?

This 10 minute warm-up with Ben is the perfect way to get your run off to the best start!

Runners Warm up 10
Equipment needed: None
Low | STRETCH & MOBILITY | Stretch & Mobility | Ben | 10 minutes

Finish off your run with this 10 minute cool down with Ben. You'll thank us for it later!

Runners Cool Down 10
Equipment needed: None
Low | STRETCH & MOBILITY | Stretch & Mobility | Ben | 10 minutes

Join Rosie for a 30 minute Recovery Ride.

Whether you want a mindful reset or to spin out your legs after a tough week of Digme classes, enjoy this feel-good Ride.

5 type
Recovery Ride 30
Equipment needed: Bike
Moderate | RIDE | PERFORM | Ride | RoRo | 30 minutes

Join Erin on the mat and flow to the the music. 

A calm and steady breath-lead flow in time to the music, giving you time and space to explore and move into those spaces in the body that need some attention. 

5 type
Yoga to Music 30
Equipment needed: Mat
Moderate | YOGA | Flow | Erin | 30 minutes

Join Ben for a 30 minute Strength Meta class.

Strength is our exciting new workout where you can use your Kettlebells or Dumbbells. These workouts are designed to help bullet proof your body. Think full body, control and expect expert coaching. A strong body is a happy body, right?!

Strength Meta 30
Equipment needed: Dumbbells
Moderate | STRENGTH | Strength Meta Live | Ben | 30 minutes

Join Kate for a quick 30-minute full body mobility session. 

Our Stretch & Mobility classes are the perfect combination of strength, flexibility and stability as we bridge the gap between fitness and yoga. This class will help to improve your functional movement and help reduce your capacity for injury and even help improve your posture. Who doesn’t want to stand a little taller, are we right? Compliment your routine and your workouts, whilst allowing your body the release from the general day-to-day 

Stretch & Mobility 30
Equipment needed: None
Low | STRETCH & MOBILITY | Stretch & Mobility | Kate I | 30 minutes

Join Rachele for a focussed Rhythm Ride that is especially great for beginners, filled with Garage and House bangers that will leave you buzzing! 

Rhythm is all about letting the music take control. Get ready to immerse yourself in the energy and catch that beat. The bike, the rhythm and the instructor will push you to your limits in the most addictive and endorphin boosting workout around, so saddle up, zone out and feel the rhythm. 

5 type
Garage & House Rhythm 45
Equipment needed: Bike
Low | RIDE | PERFORM | Cycle Rhythm Live | Rachele | 45 minutes

Join Ben for his second 30 minute Flow designed for Men. This practice focuses on 'XXXXXXXX'. Perfect for all levels.

Stepping onto a yoga mat is often a much more daunting concept for Men. It can start as a physical practice, but with time and consistency, it turns into so much more. Find out more about all the why men should do Yoga

Yoga for Men
Equipment needed: None
Moderate | YOGA | Power Flow | Ben H | 30 minutes

Join Chloe for a 25 minute a short, sharp Tabata style Total Body workout. 

Based on three elements - cardio, condition, move - our workouts have been specifically designed to be a total body workout. The mix of short and hard work interspersed with rest periods will leave you burning energy for hours! 

Tabata HIIT 25
Equipment needed: None
High | HIIT | HIIT Total Body | Chloe | 25 minutes

Are your ready to ride to the beat of the ultimate Pride anthems? 

Rhythm is all about letting the music take control. Get ready to immerse yourself in the energy and catch that beat. The bike, the rhythm and the instructor will push you to your limits in the most addictive and endorphin boosting workout around, so saddle up, zone out and feel the rhythm.

Rhythm Pride
Equipment needed: Bike
Moderate | RIDE | PERFORM | Cycle Rhythm 60 | Ciaran | 30 minutes

Join Ben for his latest 20 minute Strength for Runners workout.

Strength is our exciting new workout where you can use your Kettlebells or Dumbbells. These workouts are designed to help bullet proof your body when you're pounding the pavement. Think full body, control and expect expert coaching. A strong body is a happy body, right?!

Runners Strength 20
Equipment needed: None
Moderate | STRENGTH | Strength for Runners Live | Ben | 20 minutes

Ever wondered what our Rhythm classes are all about? Join Louise to find out what you've been missing!

Rhythm is all about letting the music take control. Get ready to immerse yourself in the energy and catch that beat. The bike, the rhythm and the instructor will push you to your limits in the most addictive and endorphin boosting workout around, so saddle up, zone out and feel the rhythm.

Intro to Rhythm
Equipment needed: Bike
Moderate | RIDE | PERFORM | Cycle Rhythm 60 | Louise | 45 minutes

Get ready to sweat as Vitor takes you through a 30 minute Athletic HIIT session! Unleash your inner athlete! 

Expect a mix of short and hard work interspersed with rest periods. You'll be left burning energy for hours.

5 type
Athletic HIIT 30
Equipment needed: None
High | HIIT | HIIT Total Body | 30 minutes

Get ready to fire up your Cardio and Arms with Justin's 10 minute workout blast! It may be short, but prepare to sweat!

This fast and furious HIIT workout will fire up your metabolism with a mix of high-energy work and intense conditioning training. You'll leave feeling energised and on that endorphin-fuelled high! 

Core + Arms 10
Equipment needed: None
Moderate | HIIT | HIIT Core | Justin | 10 minutes

Join Chloe for a quick 10 minute stretch session whenever you need it the most.

Our Stretch & Mobility classes are the perfect combination of strength, flexibility and stability as we bridge the gap between fitness and yoga. This class will help to improve your functional movement and help reduce your capacity for injury and even help improve your posture. Who doesn’t want to stand a little taller, are we right? Compliment your routine and your workouts, whilst allowing your body the release from the general day-to-day 

Beginners Stretch 10
Equipment needed: None
Low | STRETCH & MOBILITY | Stretch & Mobility | Chloe | 10 minutes

The final workout in Kate’s Strength series with a squat focus. Focused on working through progressions of the front squat, starting with volume and building up to tempo and paused squats. Each session finishes with a different style of workout: think intervals, AMRAPs, chippers and more! 

Strength Total Body hits all of the major muscle groups, culminating in our infamous ‘Dig’. Expect to build strength with expert instruction. Come prepared with a set of dumbbells or whatever you have access to from home. 

Strength Series (4) 45
Equipment needed: Dumbbells
Moderate | STRENGTH | Strength Total Body Live | Kate I | 45 minutes

We are wrapping up our Mindful Yoga Series with a 30 minute earth inspired flow focussing on support and grounding.

Plant seeds of intention through a variety of standing poses and healing transitions. Strengthen the body and move with conscious control as you progress into postures.

Mindful Yoga Series: Grounding 30
Equipment needed: Mat
Moderate | YOGA | Flow | Claudia | 30 minutes

Uplift your mind and move your body in this 30 minute vinyasa flow with Claudia. 

This practice is designed for any time of day you wish to take the time to sooth your parasympathetic system. Working from the ground up to the mind, we'll use the tools of yoga to find peace and support from within.

Mindful Yoga Series: Anxiety 30
Equipment needed: Mat
Moderate | YOGA | Flow | Claudia | 30 minutes

Join Claudia for the first class in her Mindful Yoga Series. Today, we focus on energising the body and mind.

This 30 minute energizing flow will encourage stamina, strength, and flexibility, while synchronizing breath with movement. 

Mindful Yoga Series: Energise 30
Equipment needed: Mat
Moderate | YOGA | Flow | Claudia | 30 minutes

What other way to complete our Festival Series than with Ban and the ultimate summer electronic dance music festival - Creamfields! 

Clip in for our signature Ride workout and enjoy the Digme experience from the comfort of your own home. Concentrate on your numbers or lose yourself in the music – either way you’ll get a fantastic challenging workout which will leave you buzzing.

5 type
Festivals Series: Creamfields Ride 45
Equipment needed: Bike
Moderate | RIDE | PERFORM | Ride | Ban | 45 minutes

Get ready to sweat as Chloe takes you through a 30 minute Athletic HIIT session! Unleash your inner athlete! 

Expect a mix of short and hard work interspersed with rest periods. You'll be left burning energy for hours.

Athletic HIIT
Equipment needed: Mat Cones
High | HIIT | HIIT Total Body Live | Chloe | 30 minutes

We're transporting you to Croatia for Ultra Europe in our next Festival Series release! Get ready to party to the very best of electronic dance music with Frances.

Clip in for our signature Ride workout and enjoy the Digme experience from the comfort of your own home. Concentrate on your numbers or lose yourself in the music – either way you’ll get a fantastic challenging workout which will leave you buzzing.

Festivals Series: Ultra Europe Ride 45
Equipment needed: Bike
Moderate | RIDE | PERFORM | Ride | Frances | 45 minutes

Join Ben for a 30 minute Strength for Runners workout.

Strength is our exciting new workout where you can use your Kettlebells or Dumbbells. These workouts are designed to help bullet proof your body when you're pounding the pavement. Think full body, control and expect expert coaching. A strong body is a happy body, right?!

Runners Strength 20
Equipment needed: Dumbbells
Moderate | STRENGTH | Strength for Runners Live | Ben | 20 minutes

Meet Gandha on the mat for our second Pregnancy Yoga flow. 

Our Pregnancy Yoga classes are the perfect time for mums to be to find and create a community with those sharing the same experience. Our asana practice will combine strengthening and stretching poses with breathing and relaxation techniques. Read more about the amazing benefits of practicing Yoga during pregnancy in our blog.

Note: It is best to wait until the end of the first trimester before starting yoga. The second trimester is a great time to start practicing. With a healthy pregnancy, you can join our yoga classes until the end of the third trimester. If any health concerns are present or you are unsure whether yoga would be suitable for you, please consult a doctor first.

Pregnancy Yoga 45
Equipment needed: Mat Blocks Bolster
Low | YOGA | Pregnancy Yoga Live | Gandha | 45 minutes

RoRo's epic Glastonbury Ride is the next release in our Festival Series. Expect true festival vibes whilst you ride to the best of Coldplay, Florence + The Machine and The Killers!

Clip in for our signature Ride workout and enjoy the Digme experience from the comfort of your own home. Concentrate on your numbers or lose yourself in the music – either way you’ll get a fantastic challenging workout which will leave you buzzing.

Festivals Series: Glastonbury Ride 30
Equipment needed: Bike
Moderate | RIDE | PERFORM | Ride | RoRo | 45 minutes

Get ready to fire up your Cardio and Core with Justin's 10 minute workout blast! It may be short, but prepare to sweat!

This fast and furious HIIT workout will fire up your metabolism with a mix of high-energy work and intense conditioning training. You'll leave feeling energised and on that endorphin-fuelled high! 

Cardio + Core 10
Equipment needed: None
Moderate | HIIT | HIIT Core Live | Justin | 10 minutes

It's Festival Season and we are celebrating the power of music with our Festival Ride Series. The Series is kicking off with a bang with none other than Chloe's Coachella Ride.... or do we mean the Chlochella Ride?!

Clip in for our signature Ride workout and enjoy the Digme experience from the comfort of your own home. Concentrate on your numbers or lose yourself in the music – either way you’ll get a fantastic challenging workout which will leave you buzzing.

5 type
Festivals Series: Coachella Ride 30
Equipment needed: Bike
Moderate | RIDE | PERFORM | Ride | Chloe | 30 minutes

Join Richard for this 30 minute Power Hill Ride that will leave you wanting more!

Clip in for our signature Ride workout and enjoy the Digme experience from the comfort of your own home. Concentrate on your numbers or lose yourself in the music – either way you’ll get a fantastic, challenging workout.

5 type
Power Hill Ride 30
Equipment needed: Bike
Moderate | RIDE | PERFORM | Ride | Richard | 30 minutes

Part 3/4 of Kate’s Strength series with a squat focus. Focused on working through progressions of the front squat, starting with volume and building up to tempo and paused squats. Each session finishes with a different style of workout: think intervals, AMRAPs, chippers and more! 

Strength Total Body hits all of the major muscle groups, culminating in our infamous ‘Dig’. Expect to build strength with expert instruction. Come prepared with a set of dumbbells or whatever you have access to from home. 

Strength Series (3) 45
Equipment needed: Dumbbells
Moderate | STRENGTH | Strength Total Body Live | Kate I | 45 minutes

Welcome to the final day of your 7 Day Power Series. Join Katie for a final power vinyasa that will include a little bit of everything from the last six classes, leaving you feeling empowered, strong and ready more!

Our Power classes are designed to fire you up through an energetic, dynamic vinyasa. We link rhythmic breath with powerful movements in a challenging creative flow. This series will focus on different areas of the body or elements of the practice in each class. All will condition, strengthen and stretch the full body, whilst also resetting the mind. Suitable for all levels. 

Power Challenge 30: Day 7
Equipment needed: Mat
Moderate | YOGA | Power | Katie S | 30 minutes

Welcome to Day 6 of your 7 Day Power Series. Join Katie and be prepared to 'Fly' - as your strength and power in your practice grows, we look at channeling that into some arm balances.  Needing strong shoulders and a little determination, can you find a few seconds without your feet on the ground and fly?!

Our Power classes are designed to fire you up through an energetic, dynamic vinyasa. We link rhythmic breath with powerful movements in a challenging creative flow. This series will focus on different areas of the body or elements of the practice in each class. All will condition, strengthen and stretch the full body, whilst also resetting the mind. Suitable for all levels. 

See you for Day 7

Power Challenge 30: Day 6
Equipment needed: Mat
Moderate | YOGA | Power | Katie S | 30 minutes

Welcome to Day 5 of your 7 Day Power Series. This week's focus is all about 'Balance' - a key element on the practice and one that can be so useful off your mat. This is a fun one! Test your balance by working with your inner focus and stability we found in the earlier class.

Our Power classes are designed to fire you up through an energetic, dynamic vinyasa. We link rhythmic breath with powerful movements in a challenging creative flow. This series will focus on different areas of the body or elements of the practice in each class. All will condition, strengthen and stretch the full body, whilst also resetting the mind. Suitable for all levels. 

See you for Day 6

Power Challenge 30: Day 5
Equipment needed: Mat
Moderate | YOGA | Power | Katie S | 30 minutes

Welcome to Day 4 of your 7 Day Power Series. Join Katie and get 'Grounded' as you lengthen the body and work with our foundation (those parts of the body connected to the floor in a pose) to create space. There will be some rise and fall working up and down from the ground and a dog stretch for the back of the legs. 

Our Power classes are designed to fire you up through an energetic, dynamic vinyasa. We link rhythmic breath with powerful movements in a challenging creative flow. This series will focus on different areas of the body or elements of the practice in each class. All will condition, strengthen and stretch the full body, whilst also resetting the mind. Suitable for all levels. 

See you for Day 5

Power Challenge 30: Day 4
Equipment needed: Mat
Moderate | YOGA | Power | Katie S | 30 minutes

Welcome to Day 3 of your 7 Day Power Series. Today's focus is 'Core & Stability' - two key elements of a power practice, core & stability enable you to control and transition with more confidence. We focus on the abdominals, looking for that tummy burn with a mix of dynamic and static ab movements. 

Our Power classes are designed to fire you up through an energetic, dynamic vinyasa. We link rhythmic breath with powerful movements in a challenging creative flow. This series will focus on different areas of the body or elements of the practice in each class. All will condition, strengthen and stretch the full body, whilst also resetting the mind. Suitable for all levels. 

See you for Day 4. 

Power Challenge 30: Day 3
Equipment needed: Mat
Moderate | YOGA | Power | Katie S | 30 minutes

Welcome to Day 2 of your 7 Day Power Series. Join Katie and 'Find your Strength' - we’ll be holding poses actively for a few extra breaths as well as introducing subtle variations that will create more activation in the big muscles groups around the body. With a lower body focus, expect your glutes to be on fire!

Our Power classes are designed to fire you up through an energetic, dynamic vinyasa. We link rhythmic breath with powerful movements in a challenging creative flow. This series will focus on different areas of the body or elements of the practice in each class. All will condition, strengthen and stretch the full body, whilst also resetting the mind. Suitable for all levels. 

See you for Day 3. 

Power Challenge 30: Day 2
Equipment needed: Mat
Moderate | YOGA | Power | Katie S | 30 minutes

Welcome to Day 1 of your 7 Day Power Series. Join Katie for an 'Introduction to Power' - an all levels dynamic vinyasa introducing some of the key elements and movements you may find in a Power class. A little bit of everything just to set the energy for the rest of the series.

Our Power classes are designed to fire you up through an energetic, dynamic vinyasa. We link rhythmic breath with powerful movements in a challenging creative flow. This series will focus on different areas of the body or elements of the practice in each class. All will condition, strengthen and stretch the full body, whilst also resetting the mind. 

See you for Day 2.

4 type
Power Challenge 30: Day 1
Equipment needed: Mat
Moderate | YOGA | Power | Katie S | 30 minutes

Our Ibiza series is going out with a bang as we head to Café Mambo! 

Rhythm is all about letting the music take control. Get ready to immerse yourself in the energy and catch that beat. The bike, the rhythm and the instructor will push you to your limits in the most addictive and endorphin boosting workout around, so saddle up, zone out and feel the rhythm. 

5 type
Ibiza Series: Café Mambo Rhythm 30
Equipment needed: Bike
Moderate | RIDE | PERFORM | Cycle Rhythm 60 | 30 minutes

Join Ben for our first 30 minute Flow designed for Men. This practice focuses on 'Intensity in Inversions', combining the feeling of doing sets and reps in the gym and flowing on your yoga mat. Perfect for all levels.

Stepping onto a yoga mat is often a much more daunting concept for Men. It can start as a physical practice, but with time and consistency, it turns into so much more. Find out more about all the why men should do Yoga

Yoga for Men 30
Equipment needed: Mat
Moderate | YOGA | Flow | Ben H | 30 minutes

Join Ciaran and saddle down for the 4th feel-good Rhythm Ride in our Ibiza series, with a playlist from the incredible Ushuia. Let's head to the island!

Rhythm is all about letting the music take control. Get ready to immerse yourself in the energy and catch that beat. The bike, the rhythm and the instructor will push you to your limits in the most addictive and endorphin boosting workout around, so saddle up, zone out and feel the rhythm. 

5 type
Ibiza Series: Ushuia Rhythm 30
Equipment needed: Bike
Moderate | RIDE | PERFORM | Cycle Rhythm 60 | Ciaran | 30 minutes

Join Vitor for a high intensity workout focusing on your lower body!

This 30 minute workout, including a 6 minute challenge, features dynamic movements to build your fitness and strength. You'll leave feeling energised and on that endorphin-fuelled high! 

Lower Body HIIT 30
Equipment needed: Dumbbells Mat
Moderate | HIIT | MATRIX META | 30 minutes

Meet Gandha on the mat for our first On Demand Pregnancy Yoga class and bring balance to mind and body. 

Our Pregnancy Yoga classes are the perfect time for mums to be to find and create a community with those sharing the same experience. Our asana practice will combine strengthening and stretching poses with breathing and relaxation techniques. Read more about the amazing benefits of practicing Yoga during pregnancy in our blog.

Note: It is best to wait until the end of the first trimester before starting yoga. The second trimester is a great time to start practicing. With a healthy pregnancy, you can join our yoga classes until the end of the third trimester. If any health concerns are present or you are unsure whether yoga would be suitable for you, please consult a doctor first.

Pregnancy Yoga 45
Equipment needed: Yoga Mat Blocks
Moderate | YOGA | Pregnancy Yoga Live | Gandha | 45 minutes

We are going to Space! Join Rachele for our third Rhythm Ride in our Ibiza series.

Rhythm is all about letting the music take control. Get ready to immerse yourself in the energy and catch that beat. The bike, the rhythm and the instructor will push you to your limits in the most addictive and endorphin boosting workout around, so saddle up, zone out and feel the rhythm. 

5 type
Ibiza Series: Space Rhythm 30
Equipment needed: Bike
Moderate | RIDE | PERFORM | Cycle Rhythm 60 | Rachele | 30 minutes

Join Vitor for a high intensity workout focusing on your upper body!

This 30 minute workout featuring dynamic movements to build your fitness and strength, leaving you feeling energised and on that endorphin-fuelled high!

Upper Body HIIT 30
Equipment needed: Dumbbells
Moderate | HIIT | HIIT Meta Live | 30 minutes

Join Lucy for a 30 minute Power flow.

Power Flow is designed to build strength and flexibility, with an emphasis on upper body and core strength. Flowing sequences promote grace and stability while longer holds develop strength. Expect to build muscle strength and improve flexibility, coordination and range of motion. These classes incorporate low-impact movements and are suitable for all levels.

5 type
Power Flow 30
Equipment needed: Mat Blocks
Moderate | YOGA | Power | Lucy H | 30 minutes

Join Sophie and saddle down for the 2nd feel-good Rhythm Ride in our Ibiza series, with a playlist from none other than Pacha! 

Rhythm is all about letting the music take control. Get ready to immerse yourself in the energy and catch that beat. The bike, the rhythm and the instructor will push you to your limits in the most addictive and endorphin boosting workout around, so saddle up, zone out and feel the rhythm. 

5 type
Ibiza Series: Pacha Rhythm 30
Equipment needed: Bike
Moderate | RIDE | PERFORM | Cycle Rhythm 60 | Sophie Maggie | 30 minutes

Are you ready for a challenge? Join Justin’s Benchmark workout!

Whether you want to measure your fitness over time or just get your sweat on for that post-workout high, this new Benchmark Workout is perfect for you! There are four challenges, which you can do individually or together to make one full workout, and you can come back every week, month or however often you like, to see if you can improve on how you performed the time before. There are different variations within some of these challenges to make it slightly easier or harder so pick which ever version you like and give it everything you’ve got. Remember “It doesn’t get easier, you get stronger” so dig deep and take yourself out of that comfort zone!" Find out more in our latest blog

Benchmark HIIT 25
Equipment needed: None
Moderate | HIIT | HIIT Total Body Live | Justin | 25 minutes

Are you ready to stretch it out with this mindful stretch? Join Rosie for part 4 of our four part Stretch Series.

Whether it's to loosen up after climbing out of bed, part of your workout routine, or stretching out after a day at your desk, this is the perfect series for you to take time for your mind and body. 

Stretch Series (4)
Equipment needed: None
Low | STRETCH & MOBILITY | Stretch & Mobility | RoRo | 10 minutes

Are you ready to stretch it out with this lower body mindful stretch? Join Rosie for part 3 of our four part Stretch Series.

Whether it's to loosen up after climbing out of bed, part of your workout routine, or stretching out after a day at your desk, this is the perfect series for you to take time for your mind and body. 

Stretch Series (3)
Equipment needed: None
Low | STRETCH & MOBILITY | Stretch & Mobility | RoRo | 10 minutes

Are you ready to stretch it out with this upper body mindful stretch? Join Rosie for part 2 of our four part Stretch Series.

Whether it's to loosen up after climbing out of bed, part of your workout routine, or stretching out after a day at your desk, this is the perfect series for you to take time for your mind and body. 

Stretch Series (2)
Equipment needed: None
Low | STRETCH & MOBILITY | Stretch & Mobility | RoRo | 10 minutes

Are you ready to stretch it out with this full body mindful stretch? Join Rosie for part 1 of our four part Stretch Series

Whether it's to loosen up after climbing out of bed, part of your workout routine, or stretching out after a day at your desk, this is the perfect series for you to take time for your mind and body. 

Stretch Series (1)
Equipment needed: None
Low | STRETCH & MOBILITY | Stretch & Mobility | RoRo | 10 minutes

Are you ready to join us on the Island? Louise kicks off our Ibiza Series with the ultimate playlist from Ibiza Rocks Hotel! 

Rhythm is all about letting the music take control. Get ready to immerse yourself in the energy and catch that beat. The bike, the rhythm and the instructor will push you to your limits in the most addictive and endorphin boosting workout around, so saddle up, zone out and feel the rhythm. 

Ibiza Series: Ibiza Rocks Rhythm 30
Equipment needed: Bike
Moderate | RIDE | PERFORM | Cycle Rhythm 60 | Louise | 30 minutes

Join Joe for the second in a series of Mobility classes to help you move better!   

Through increasing the range of movement through the joints, and incorporating some strength into the mix, this series will boost your mobility to improve your functional movement. Bridge the gap between fitness and yoga whilst helping to reduce your capacity for injury and help improve your posture!  

Move Better Mobility 30
Equipment needed: None
Low | STRETCH & MOBILITY | Stretch & Mobility | Joe H | 30 minutes

Want to know more about your power output and how to maximise those stats? 

Your FTP, or Functional Threshold Power, is the highest power that you can maintain for one hour on the Bike. It varies from one rider to another and is the best benchmark for checking your fitness level. Knowing your FTP will improve the efficacy of your Ride and Perform at Home or in studio. You’ll know exactly how hard you should be going to maximise the training benefit of the session. If you’re riding on a Digme at Home Bike, you’re in luck—your FTP will also be saved to your profile post workout! So that going forwards, your stats are unique to your current fitness level. ⁠

FTP Test 20
Equipment needed: Bike
Moderate | RIDE | PERFORM | FTP Test Live | Gareth | 20 minutes

Join Chloe for a 45 minute Matrix Meta workout to the best Garage music around!

Our Live Matrix Meta is the ultimate metabolic conditioning workout. Meta is ancient Greek for 'go beyond' and that's exactly what you will do in Matrix Meta. Prepare to ramp up the intensity from the comfort of your own home!

Garage HIIT Meta 45
Equipment needed: None
High | HIIT | HIIT Meta Live | Chloe | 45 minutes

Join Tash for Day 7 of your Morning Flow series. Get ready to take it easy, ground down and enjoy.

A calm and steady breath-lead flow, giving you time and space to explore and move into those spaces in the body that need some attention. Move with intention, take some nice moments to pause, and always remember to breathe. 

Morning Flow 20 (7)
Equipment needed: Yoga Mat
Low | YOGA | Flow | Tash | 20 minutes

Join Tash for Day 6 of your Morning Flow series. 

A calm and steady breath-lead flow, giving you time and space to explore and move into those spaces in the body that need some attention. Move with intention, take some nice moments to pause, and always remember to breathe. 

Morning Flow 20 (6)
Equipment needed: Yoga Mat
Low | YOGA | Flow | Tash | 20 minutes

Join Tash for Day 5 of your Morning Flow series, where we will be trying some new movements by playing with progressions and variations from earlier morning flows. 

A calm and steady breath-lead flow, giving you time and space to explore and move into those spaces in the body that need some attention. Move with intention, take some nice moments to pause, and always remember to breathe. 

Morning Flow 20 (5)
Equipment needed: Yoga Mat
Low | YOGA | Flow | Tash | 20 minutes

Join Tash for Day 4 of your Morning Flow series, building focus and energy in this confident flow.

A calm and steady breath-lead flow, giving you time and space to explore and move into those spaces in the body that need some attention. Move with intention, take some nice moments to pause, and always remember to breathe. 

Morning Flow 20 (4)
Equipment needed: Yoga Mat
Low | YOGA | Flow | Tash | 20 minutes

Join Tash for Day 3 of your Morning Flow series. Today we focus on building heat and strength. 

A calm and steady breath-lead flow, giving you time and space to explore and move into those spaces in the body that need some attention. Move with intention, take some nice moments to pause, and always remember to breathe. 

Morning Flow 20 (3)
Equipment needed: Yoga Mat
Low | YOGA | Flow | Tash | 20 minutes

Join Tash for Day 2 of your Morning Flow series. Today is all about finding your flow. 

A calm and steady breath-lead flow, giving you time and space to explore and move into those spaces in the body that need some attention. Move with intention, take some nice moments to pause, and always remember to breathe. 

Morning Flow 20 (2)
Equipment needed: Yoga Mat
Low | YOGA | Flow | Tash | 20 minutes

Join Tash for Day 1 of your Morning Flow series. Today is all about taking a mindful first step and welcoming you to the mat. 

A calm and steady breath-lead flow, giving you time and space to explore and move into those spaces in the body that need some attention. Move with intention, take some nice moments to pause, and always remember to breathe. 

5 type
Morning Flow 20 (1)
Equipment needed: Yoga Mat
Low | YOGA | Flow | Tash | 20 minutes

We appreciate that going to a spin class for the first time can be intimidating; 'how do I connect my shoes to the bike?' 'is my seat at the right height' 'what does RPM mean?' ... these are common questions that our instructors and front of house teams are asked on a daily basis - so don't worry you're not alone!

This Intro to Ride will take you through everything involved in joining a Cycle class at Digme! From setting your bike properly to understanding the stats on the bike so that you can confidently join one of our Ride, Rhythm or Perform classes.

FREE type
Bike Set-Up
Equipment needed: Bike
Low | RIDE | PERFORM | Ride 101 | RoRo | 3 minutes

The intention of this juicy Mandala Vinyasa Series is to honour the creative energy and all its manifestations. With integrate spiral patterns that relate to nature as we move and travel around the mat 360degrees.  In this episode we are working the element of air with a particular focus of opening the front of the body. 

This series will have you feeling completely satisfied all over physically whilst also really tapping into the energetics behind each element. 

Mandala Air (4) 30
Equipment needed: Yoga Mat
Moderate | YOGA | Flow | Sara F | 30 minutes

Join Frances for her 45-minute Sub Focus x High Contrast Ride. If you love Drum & Bass, this one is not one to be missed! 

Clip in for our signature Ride workout and enjoy the Digme experience from the comfort of your own home. Concentrate on your numbers or lose yourself in the music – either way you’ll get a fantastic, challenging workout which will leave you buzzing.

Sub Focus vs High Contrast Ride 45
Equipment needed: Bike
Moderate | RIDE | PERFORM | Ride | Frances | 45 minutes

Part 2/4 of Kate’s Strength series with a squat focus. Focused on working through progressions of the front squat, starting with volume and building up to tempo and paused squats. Each session finishes with a different style of workout: think intervals, AMRAPs, chippers and more! 

Strength Total Body hits all of the major muscle groups, culminating in our infamous ‘Dig’. Expect to build strength with expert instruction. Come prepared with a set of dumbbells or whatever you have access to from home. 

Strength Series (2) 45
Equipment needed: Dumbbells
Moderate | STRENGTH | Strength Live | Kate I | 45 minutes

Session four of Lucy’s Mindful Movement Flow series is focused on the release and realignment of the shoulders. 

This series is a beautiful blend of slow, juicy, breath-focused flow, to get you out of the head and into the body. It focuses on four challenging areas: hips, heart space, shoulders and spine. 

Mindful Movement Flow (4) 30
Equipment needed: Yoga Mat Blocks
Low | YOGA | Flow | Lucy H | 30 minutes

Darren Placid, known far and wide for his famous Tabata Tuesday's. Now you can Tabata everyday!

Join Darren for a short, sharp tabata style ride. Clip in for our signature Ride workout and enjoy the Digme experience from the comfort of your own home. Concentrate on your numbers or lose yourself in the music – either way you’ll get a fantastic, challenging workout which will leave you buzzing.


5 type
Tabata 30
Equipment needed: Bike
Moderate | RIDE | PERFORM | Ride | Darren | 30 minutes

Join Emi for a 20 minute low impact Total Body workout.

Based on three elements - cardio, condition, move - our workouts have been specifically designed to be a total body workout. The mix of short and hard work interspersed with rest periods will leave you burning energy for hours!

5 type
Low Impact HIIT for Beginners 20
Equipment needed: None
Low | HIIT | HIIT Meta Live | Emi | 20 minutes

The intention of this juicy Mandala Vinyasa Series is to honour the creative energy and all its manifestations. With integrate spiral patterns that relate to nature as we move and travel around the mat 360degrees.  

In this episode we will become Fire. Turning up that heat and getting a little sweaty. 

This series will have you feeling completely satisfied all over physically whilst also really tapping into the energetics behind each element. 

Mandala Fire (3) 30
Equipment needed: Yoga Mat
Moderate | YOGA | Flow | Sara F | 30 minutes

Join Christina for a 30 minute Dua Lipa ride! 

Continuing our Female Pop Icons Cycle series get ready to ride to the beat of the most iconic artists flying the flag for women everywhere. You’ll be singing along, whilst feeling empowered, strong and unstoppable!   

Clip in for our signature Ride workout and enjoy the Digme experience from the comfort of your own home. 

Female Pop Icons Live - Dua Lipa 30
Equipment needed: Bike
Moderate | RIDE | PERFORM | Cycle Rhythm 60 | 30 minutes

Join Emi for a 20 minute low impact Total Body workout.

Based on three elements - cardio, condition, move - our workouts have been specifically designed to be a total body workout. The mix of short and hard work interspersed with rest periods will leave you burning energy for hours!

5 type
Low Impact HIIT for Beginners (2) - 20
Equipment needed: None
Low | HIIT | Matrix Total Body | Emi | 20 minutes

Ready to feel like your biggest and sassiest self? RoRo’s got you. Join her for a 30 minute Rihanna ride! 

Continuing our Female Pop Icons Cycle series get ready to ride to the beat of the most iconic artists flying the flag for women everywhere. You’ll be singing along, whilst feeling empowered, strong and unstoppable!   

Clip in for our signature Ride workout and enjoy the Digme experience from the comfort of your own home. 

Female Pop Icons - Rihanna 30
Equipment needed: Bike
Moderate | RIDE | PERFORM | Ride | RoRo | 30 minutes

Session three of Lucy’s Mindful Movement Flow series is all about unlocking the heart space. 

This series is a beautiful blend of slow, juicy, breath-focused flow, to get you out of the head and into the body. It focuses on four challenging areas: hips, heart space, shoulders and spine. 


Mindful Movement Flow (3) 30
Equipment needed: Yoga Mat
Moderate | YOGA | Flow | Lucy H | 30 minutes

Join Joe for the second in a series of Mobility classes to help you move better!   

Through increasing the range of movement through the joints, and incorporating some strength into the mix, this series will boost your mobility to improve your functional movement.  

Bridge the gap between fitness and yoga whilst helping to reduce your capacity for injury and help improve your posture!  

Move Better Mobility - 30
Equipment needed: None
Moderate | STRETCH & MOBILITY | Stretch & Mobility | Joe H | 30 minutes

Join this 10 minute Teaser video and see what all the fuss is about!

Dropping later this week, you can be the first to catch a glimpse of the next in our Female Pop Icons Series. And this time, it's none other than Ri Ri with Ro Ro!

Clip in for our signature Ride workout and enjoy the Digme experience from the comfort of your own home. Concentrate on your numbers or lose yourself in the music – either way you’ll get a fantastic, challenging workout which will leave you buzzing.

FREE type
TEASER - Female Pop Icons - Rihanna 10
Equipment needed: Bike
Moderate | RIDE | PERFORM | Ride | RoRo | 10 minutes

Join this 10 minute Teaser video and see what all the fuss is about!

This Power Hill Ride will leave you wanting more! Clip in for our signature Ride workout and enjoy the Digme experience from the comfort of your own home. Concentrate on your numbers or lose yourself in the music – either way you’ll get a fantastic, challenging workout.

FREE type
TEASER - Power Hills 10
Equipment needed: Bike
Moderate | RIDE | PERFORM | Ride | Richard | 10 minutes

Join this 10 minute Teaser video and see what all the fuss is about!

Rhythm is all about letting the music take control. Get ready to immerse yourself in the energy and catch that beat. The bike, the rhythm and the instructor will push you to your limits in the most addictive and endorphin boosting workout around, so saddle up, zone out and feel the rhythm. 

FREE type
TEASER - Punk Rock Rhythm 10
Equipment needed: Bike
Moderate | RIDE | PERFORM | Cycle Rhythm 60 | Louise | 10 minutes

Join this 10 minute Teaser video and see what all the fuss is about!

Who Run the World? Girls. Join Emi for her 45 minute Independent Women themed Ride.

Clip in for our signature Ride workout and enjoy the Digme experience from the comfort of your own home. Concentrate on your numbers or lose yourself in the music – either way you’ll get a fantastic, challenging workout which will leave you buzzing.

FREE type
TEASER - Who Run the World? - Ride 10
Equipment needed: Bike
Moderate | RIDE | PERFORM | Ride | Emi | 10 minutes

Join this 10 minute Teaser video and see what all the fuss is about!

Get ready to ride to the beat of the most iconic artists flying the flag for women everywhereYou’ll be singing along, whilst feeling empowered, strong and unstoppable!

Rhythm is all about letting the music take control. Get ready to immerse yourself in the energy and catch that beat. The bike, the rhythm and the instructor will push you to your limits in the most addictive and endorphin boosting workout around, so saddle up, zone out and feel the rhythm.

FREE type
TEASER - Female Pop Icons – Britney 10
Equipment needed: Bike
Moderate | RIDE | PERFORM | Cycle Rhythm 60 | Sophie Maggie | 10 minutes

Did somebody say Tabata Tuesday? Or Thursday, or any day! 

Join Chloe for a 25 minute a short, sharp Tabata style Total Body workout. 

Based on three elements - cardio, condition, move - our workouts have been specifically designed to be a total body workout. The mix of short and hard work interspersed with rest periods will leave you burning energy for hours! 

Tabata 25
Equipment needed: None
High | HIIT | Matrix Total Body | Chloe | 25 minutes

The intention of this juicy Mandala Vinyasa Series is to honour the creative energy and all its manifestations. With integrate spiral patterns that relate to nature as we move and travel around the mat 360degrees. 

In this episode we will become Water. We need to be fluid and strong but remain soft.  

This series will have you feeling completely satisfied all over physically whilst also really tapping into the energetics behind each element. 

Mandala Water (2) - 30
Equipment needed: Yoga Mat
Moderate | YOGA | Flow | Sara F | 30 minutes

Strike a pose and get ready to Vogue because Madonna has arrived! 

Continuing our Female Pop Icons Cycle series get ready to ride to the beat of the most iconic artists flying the flag for women everywhere. You’ll be singing along, whilst feeling empowered, strong and unstoppable!   

Clip in for our signature Ride workout and enjoy the Digme experience from the comfort of your own home. 


Female Pop Icons - Madonna 45
Equipment needed: Bike
Moderate | RIDE | PERFORM | Ride | Leone | 45 minutes

Join Lucy for the second of her Mindful Movement Flow series, where we focus on restoring mobility in the spine.  

This series is a beautiful blend of slow, juicy, breath-focused flow, to get you out of the head and into the body. It focuses on four challenging areas: hips, heart space, shoulders and spine. 

Mindful Movement Flow (2) 30
Equipment needed: Yoga Mat 2 Blocks 2 cushions
Moderate | YOGA | Flow | Lucy H | 30 minutes

‘I believe in a higher power. I believe in inspiration.’ - Janet Jackson 

Our Female Pop Icons Cycle series is back – Get ready for the ultimate inspiring class, powered by none other than Janet Jackson herself. Get ready to ride to the beat of the most iconic artists flying the flag for women everywhere. You’ll be singing along, whilst feeling empowered, strong and unstoppable!  

Rhythm is all about letting the music take control. Get ready to immerse yourself in the energy and catch that beat. The bike, the rhythm and the instructor will push you to your limits in the most addictive and endorphin boosting workout around, so saddle up, zone out and feel the rhythm. 

4.5 type
Female Pop Icons - Janet Jackson 30
Equipment needed: Bike
Moderate | RIDE | PERFORM | Cycle Rhythm 60 | Rachele | 30 minutes

Join Kate for a quick 30-minute full body mobility session. 

Our Stretch & Mobility classes are the perfect combination of strength, flexibility and stability as we bridge the gap between fitness and yoga. This class will help to improve your functional movement and help reduce your capacity for injury and even help improve your posture. Who doesn’t want to stand a little taller, are we right? Compliment your routine and your workouts, whilst allowing your body the release from the general day-to-day 

Stretch & Mobility - 20
Equipment needed: None
Low | STRETCH & MOBILITY | Stretch & Mobility | Kate I | 20 minutes

Our Female Pop Icons Cycle series is here – and we are continuing on with one of our firm favourites, P!nk!Featuring songs ‘Raise your glass’, ‘Just like a pill’, ‘Fun house’ and more. 

Get ready to ride to the beat of the most iconic artists flying the flag for women everywhere. You’ll be singing along, whilst feeling empowered, strong and unstoppable!  

Clip in for our signature Ride workout and enjoy the Digme experience from the comfort of your own home. Concentrate on your numbers or lose yourself in the music – either way you’ll get a fantastic challenging workout which will leave you buzzing. 

5 type
Female Pop Icons - P!nk 30
Equipment needed: Bike
Moderate | RIDE | PERFORM | Ride | Annie | 30 minutes

The intention of this juicy Mandala Vinyasa Series is to honour the creative energy and all its manifestations. With integrate spiral patterns that relate to nature as we move and travel around the mat 360degrees. 

In this episode we will become Earth. We need to be grounded and steady while we work.  

This series will have you feeling completely satisfied all over physically whilst also really tapping into the energetics behind each element. 

Mandala Earth (1) - 30
Equipment needed: Yoga Mat
Moderate | YOGA | Flow | Sara F | 30 minutes

Join Emi for a 20 minute low impact Total Body workout.

Based on three elements - cardio, condition, move - our workouts have been specifically designed to be a total body workout. The mix of short and hard work interspersed with rest periods will leave you burning energy for hours!

Low Impact HIIT for Beginners 20
Equipment needed: None
Low | HIIT | HIIT Total Body Live | Emi | 20 minutes

Join Joe for first in series of Mobility classes to help you move better!  

Through increasing the range of movement through the joints, and incorporating some strength into the mix, this series will boost your mobility to improve your functional movement.  

Bridge the gap between fitness and yoga whilst helping to reduce your capacity for injury and help improve your posture!  

Move Better Mobility - 45
Equipment needed: None
Low | STRETCH & MOBILITY | Stretch & Mobility | Joe H | 45 minutes

Our Female Pop Icons Cycle series is here – and we are starting with the ultimate pop icon - Britney!

Get ready to ride to the beat of the most iconic artists flying the flag for women everywhereYou’ll be singing along, whilst feeling empowered, strong and unstoppable 

Rhythm is all about letting the music take control. Get ready to immerse yourself in the energy and catch that beat. The bike, the rhythm and the instructor will push you to your limits in the most addictive and endorphin boosting workout around, so saddle up, zone out and feel the rhythm. 

Female Pop Icons – Britney 30
Equipment needed: Bike
Moderate | RIDE | PERFORM | Cycle Rhythm 60 | Sophie Maggie | 30 minutes

Join Lucy for the first of her Mindful Movement Flow, where we focus on restoring mobility in the spine.  

This series is a beautiful blend of slow, juicy, breath-focused flow, to get you out of the head and into the body. It focuses on four challenging areas: hips, heart space, shoulders and spine. 

5 type
Mindful Movement Flow (1) 30
Equipment needed: Yoga Mat Bolster Blocks
Moderate | YOGA | Flow | Lucy H | 30 minutes

This is part 1 of a 4-part Strength series with a squat focus. In each session, Kate will take you through progressions of the front squat, starting with volume and building up to tempo and paused squats. Each session finishes with a different style of workout: think intervals, AMRAPs, chippers and more!

Strength Total Body hits all of the major muscle groups, culminating in our infamous ‘Dig’. Expect to build strength with expert instruction. Come prepared with a set of dumbbells or whatever you have access to from home.

Strength Series (1) 45
Equipment needed: Dumbbells
Moderate | STRENGTH | Strength Total Body Live | Kate I | 45 minutes

Who Run the World? Girls.

Join Emi for her 45 minute Independent Women themed Ride.
Clip in for our signature Ride workout and enjoy the Digme experience from the comfort of your own home. Concentrate on your numbers or lose yourself in the music – either way you’ll get a fantastic, challenging workout which will leave you buzzing.

Who Run the World? - Ride 45
Equipment needed: Bike
Moderate | RIDE | PERFORM | Ride | Emi | 45 minutes

Join Eithne for a 45 minute Flow class focusing on Pincha.
Get ready to fire up though an energetic, dynamic vinyasa practice. We link powerful, rhythmic breath with powerful movements in a challenging creative flow with a introduction to handstands. This class will condition, strengthen and lengthen the full body, while resetting the mind.

Pincha 45
Equipment needed: Yoga Mat
Moderate | YOGA | Flow | Eithne | 45 minutes

Join RoRo for her 45 minute Ride workout to the best soundtrack around! Including songs from 'Phantom of the Opera', 'The Greatest Showman', 'Mamma Mia' and more!

Clip in for our signature Ride workout and enjoy the Digme experience from the comfort of your own home. Concentrate on your numbers or lose yourself in the music – either way you’ll get a fantastic, challenging workout which will leave you buzzing.

5 type
Musicals Ride - The Ro-Show
Equipment needed: Bike
Moderate | RIDE | PERFORM | Ride | RoRo | 45 minutes

Join Chloe for her 45 minute 2000's themed Ride.
Clip in for our signature Ride workout and enjoy the Digme experience from the comfort of your own home. Concentrate on your numbers or lose yourself in the music – either way you’ll get a fantastic, challenging workout which will leave you buzzing.

2000's Ride - 45
Equipment needed: Bike
Moderate | RIDE | PERFORM | Ride | Chloe | 45 minutes

Join Katie for 30 minute Yin class.

This series is dedicated to self-care. Part of our yoga practice is to nourish the body and free the mind. Combine gentle movement and still stretching to rejuvenate your body and help you ground both your body and your practice. Focusing on those areas of the body that need most attention - shoulders, hips, lower back, this series is perfect for finding space in your busy life to calm your mind, releasing tension, and easing those everyday aches and pains. Make sure to have something you can use as a strap, yoga blocks or cushions and a blanket at the ready.

5 type
Calm body, Calm mind (4) - Yin 30
Equipment needed: Yoga Mat Pillows Block
Low | YOGA | Yin | Katie S | 30 minutes

Join Frances for her 45 minute Ride.
Clip in for our signature Ride workout and enjoy the Digme experience from the comfort of your own home. Concentrate on your numbers or lose yourself in the music – either way you’ll get a fantastic, challenging workout which will leave you buzzing.

5 type
Ride 45
Equipment needed: Bike
Moderate | RIDE | PERFORM | Ride | Frances | 45 minutes

Join Dan for a 30 minute Total Body workout.

Based on three elements - cardio, condition, move - our workouts have been specifically designed to be a total body workout. The mix of short and hard work interspersed with rest periods will leave you burning energy for hours!


4 type
HIIT series (1) - 30
Equipment needed: None
Moderate | HIIT | Matrix Total Body | Dan | 30 minutes

Join Vitor for 30 minute Matrix Meta workout.

Our Live Matrix Meta is the ultimate metabolic conditioning workout. Meta is ancient Greek for 'go beyond' and that's exactly what you will do in Matrix Meta. Prepare to ramp up the intensity from the comfort of your own home!

HIIT Meta 30
Equipment needed: None
High | HIIT | MATRIX META | 30 minutes

Join Katie for 40 minute Unwind class.

This series is dedicated to self-care. Part of our yoga practice is to nourish the body and free the mind.  Combine gentle movement and still stretching to rejuvenate your body and help you ground both your body and your practice. Focusing on those areas of the body that need most attention - shoulders, hips, lower back, this series is perfect for finding space in your busy life to calm your mind, releasing tension, and easing those everyday aches and pains. Make sure to have something you can use as a strap, yoga blocks or cushions and a blanket at the ready. 

Calm Body, Calm Mind (1) - Unwind 40
Equipment needed: Yoga Mat Cushions
Low | YOGA | Unwind | Katie S | 40 minutes

Join Lolly for 45 minute Combat HIIT workout.

A fast and furious workout designed to fire up your metabolism, incorporating high-energy combat work and intense conditioning training. Build with the beat and overcome each round in the ultimate calorie burner. Expect a combination of speed, power and explosive movements!

Combat HIIT 45
Equipment needed: None
High | HIIT | Combat HIIT | Lolly | 45 minutes

Join Leone for 45 minute Ride workout to all the 80’s Classics.

Clip in for our signature Ride workout and enjoy the Digme experience from the comfort of your own home. Concentrate on your numbers or lose yourself in the music – either way you’ll get a fantastic, challenging workout which will leave you buzzing. 

80’s Classics - Ride 45
Equipment needed: Bike
Moderate | RIDE | PERFORM | Ride | Leone | 45 minutes

Join Sarah for a 45 minute Power class focusing on twisting your body.

This series of powerful creative vinyasa yoga sequences focuses on building stamina, strength, stability and all round body conditioning. Prepare to move, sweat and push yourself to feel like you’ve had an all-round workout. Each of these creative, dynamic flows will fire you up, and focus in on exploring a specific set of postures, like backbends, arm balances, and inversions. This series is perfect for connecting your breath and body, creating full-body awareness and improving your balance, strength, flexibility, and focus.

5 type
Power Play Series (1) - Power 45
Equipment needed: Yoga Mat
Moderate | YOGA | Power | Sarah | 45 minutes

Join Sion for 45 minute Perform workout.

Clip in and join our Perform workout to push your own effort and endurance levels whilst riding to the rhythm. You'll do a FTP test at the beginning of the class which will then set your effort levels for the rest of your workout, which is unique to you. If you're looking to add strength to your cycling, this class is for you.

5 type
Perform 45
Equipment needed: Bike
Moderate | RIDE | PERFORM | Perform | Sion | 45 minutes

Join Janine for 20 minute Strength Bodyweight workout.

This bodyweight strength workout is designed to help bullet proof your body. Think full body, control and expect expert coaching. A strong body is a happy body, right?!

Strength Bodyweight 20
Equipment needed: None
Moderate | HIIT | Strength Bodyweight Live | Janine | 20 minutes

Join Dan for 30 minute Ride workout to an epic EDM playlist.

Clip in for our signature Ride workout and enjoy the Digme experience from the comfort of your own home. Concentrate on your numbers or lose yourself in the music – either way you’ll get a fantastic, challenging workout which will leave you buzzing. 

5 type
Electronic Dance Music - Ride 30
Equipment needed: Bike
Moderate | RIDE | PERFORM | Ride | Dan | 30 minutes

Join Katie for a 45 minute Flow class, focusing on twists.

Dynamic sequencing featuring a range of moves to challenge not only your flexibility but your strength too. Each class will focus on a different aspect of flow - from interesting standing sequences to exploring arm balances and creative transitions. Starting and closing each class with presence on the mat and awareness in your body, you’ll feel refreshed and empowered to take on the rest of your day and continue your yoga journey with confidence. This series is perfect for build strength and flexibility in equal measure, exploring creative poses and transitions and realising your greatness.

Fit Flow Series (1) - Flow 45
Equipment needed: Yoga Mat
Low | YOGA | Flow | Katie S | 45 minutes

Join Chloe for a 45 minute Matrix Total Body workout.

Based on three elements - run, condition, move - our 45 minute workouts have been specifically designed to be a total body workout. The mix of short and hard work interspersed with rest periods will leave you burning energy for hours!

HIIT Total Body 45
Equipment needed: None
High | HIIT | Matrix Total Body | Chloe | 45 minutes

Join Ciaran for 30 minute Rhythm workout.

Rhythm is all about letting the music take control. Get ready to immerse yourself in the energy and catch that beat. The bike, the rhythm and the instructor will push you to your limits in the most addictive and endorphin boosting workout around, so saddle up, zone out and feel the rhythm.

Express Rhythm - Rhythm 30
Equipment needed: Bike
Moderate | RIDE | PERFORM | Cycle Rhythm 60 | Ciaran | 30 minutes

Join Ben for 30 minute Strength workout.

Strength is our exciting new workout where you can use your Kettlebells or Dumbbells. These workouts are designed to help bullet proof your body. Think full body, control and expect expert coaching. A strong body is a happy body, right?!

Strength Total Body 30
Equipment needed: Dumbbells
Moderate | HIIT | Strength Live | Ben | 30 minutes

Join Chloe for 45 minute Ride workout to the best RnB tunes around.

Clip in for our signature Ride workout and enjoy the Digme experience from the comfort of your own home. Concentrate on your numbers or lose yourself in the music – either way you’ll get a fantastic, challenging workout which will leave you buzzing. 

RnB Bangers - Ride 45
Equipment needed: Bike
Moderate | RIDE | PERFORM | Ride | Chloe | 45 minutes

Join Sarah for a 50 minute Power class focusing on backbends, heart openers and the transition from Wild Thing to Wheel.

This series of powerful creative vinyasa yoga sequences focuses on building stamina, strength, stability and all round body conditioning. Prepare to move, sweat and push yourself to feel like you’ve had an all-round workout. Each of these creative, dynamic flows will fire you up, and focus in on exploring a specific set of postures, like backbends, arm balances, and inversions. This series is perfect for connecting your breath and body, creating full-body awareness and improving your balance, strength, flexibility, and focus.

Power Play Series (2) - Power 50
Equipment needed: Yoga Mat
Moderate | YOGA | Power | Sarah | 50 minutes

Join Janine for 30 minute Strength Bodyweight workout.

This bodyweight strength workout is designed to help bullet proof your body. Think full body, control and expect expert coaching. A strong body is a happy body, right?!

Strength Bodyweight 30
Equipment needed: None
Moderate | STRENGTH | Strength Bodyweight Live | Janine | 30 minutes

Join Katie for 50 minute Unwind class.

This series is dedicated to self-care. Part of our yoga practice is to nourish the body and free the mind. Combine gentle movement and still stretching to rejuvenate your body and help you ground both your body and your practice. Focusing on those areas of the body that need most attention - shoulders, hips, lower back, this series is perfect for finding space in your busy life to calm your mind, releasing tension, and easing those everyday aches and pains. Make sure to have something you can use as a strap, yoga blocks or cushions and a blanket at the ready.

Calm Body, Calm Mind (2) - Unwind 50
Equipment needed: Cushions Yoga Mat
Low | YOGA | Unwind | Katie S | 50 minutes

Join Rosie for 30 minute Ride workout.

Clip in for our signature Ride workout and enjoy the Digme experience from the comfort of your own home. Concentrate on your numbers or lose yourself in the music – either way you’ll get a fantastic, challenging workout which will leave you buzzing.

5 type
Feel Good Vibes - Ride 30
Equipment needed: Bike
Moderate | RIDE | PERFORM | Ride | RoRo | 30 minutes

Join Chloe for a 30 minute Matrix Core workout.

This full body workout also focuses on your core strength. Featuring dynamic movements to build your fitness, you'll finish feeling energised and on that endorphin-fuelled high!

HIIT Core 30
Equipment needed: None
Moderate | HIIT | MATRIX CORE | Chloe | 30 minutes

Join Laura for 60 minute Perform workout.

Clip in and join our Perform workout to push your own effort and endurance levels whilst riding to the rhythm. You'll do a FTP test at the beginning of the class which will then set your effort levels for the rest of your workout, which is unique to you. If you're looking to add strength to your cycling, this class is for you.

5 type
Perform 60
Equipment needed: Bike
Moderate | RIDE | PERFORM | Perform | Laura | 60 minutes

Join Sarah for a 40 minute Power class focusing on your hips.

This series of powerful creative vinyasa yoga sequences focuses on building stamina, strength, stability and all round body conditioning. Prepare to move, sweat and push yourself to feel like you’ve had an all-round workout. Each of these creative, dynamic flows will fire you up, and focus in on exploring a specific set of postures, like backbends, arm balances, and inversions. This series is perfect for connecting your breath and body, creating full-body awareness and improving your balance, strength, flexibility, and focus.

Power Play Series (3) - Power 40
Equipment needed: Yoga Mat
Moderate | YOGA | Power | Sarah | 40 minutes

Join Ben for a 30 minute Total Body workout.

Based on three elements - run, condition, move - our 45 minute workouts have been specifically designed to be a total body workout. The mix of short and hard work interspersed with rest periods will leave you burning energy for hours!

HIIT Total Body 30
Equipment needed: None
High | HIIT | Matrix Total Body | Ben | 30 minutes

Join Tash for a 50 minute Yin class.

In Yin we ground down, slowing down the body so we can slow down the mind. It’s less about doing and more about being with poses held for two to four minutes, allowing gravity to do all the work so you can release, let go and go deep. It’s the best stretch out there. Open to all levels.

Yin 50
Equipment needed: Yoga Mat Cushions Blocks Blanket
Low | YOGA | Yin | Tash | 50 minutes

Join Sophie for a 45 minute Rhythm workout to a playlist packed full of the queens of pop.

Rhythm is all about letting the music take control. Get ready to immerse yourself in the energy and catch that beat. The bike, the rhythm and the instructor will push you to your limits in the most addictive and endorphin boosting workout around, so saddle up, zone out and feel the rhythm.

5 type
Pop Divas - Rhythm 45
Equipment needed: Bike
Moderate | RIDE | PERFORM | Cycle Rhythm 60 | Sophie Maggie | 45 minutes

Join Gandha for a 30 minute Flow class.

A calm and steady breath-lead vinyasa flow, giving you time and space to explore and move into those spaces in the body that need some attention. This class is accessible to all. Simply moving with intention, with some nice moments to pause, and always remembering to breathe. 

Flow 30
Equipment needed: None
Low | YOGA | Flow | Gandha | 30 minutes

Join Emily for a 40 minute Strength Bodyweight workout.

This bodyweight strength workout is designed to help bullet proof your body. Think full body, control and expect expert coaching. A strong body is a happy body, right?!

Strength Bodyweight 45
Equipment needed: None
Moderate | STRENGTH | Strength Bodyweight Live | Emily M | 40 minutes

Join Sion for 45 minute Perform workout.

Clip in and join our Perform workout to push your own effort and endurance levels whilst riding to the rhythm. You'll do a FTP test at the beginning of the class which will then set your effort levels for the rest of your workout, which is unique to you. If you're looking to add strength to your cycling, this class is for you.

Perform 45
Equipment needed: Bike
Moderate | RIDE | PERFORM | Perform | Sion | 45 minutes

Join Tash for a 30 minute Yin class.

In Yin we ground down, slowing down the body so we can slow down the mind. It’s less about doing and more about being with poses held for two to four minutes, allowing gravity to do all the work so you can release, let go and go deep. It’s the best stretch out there. Open to all levels.

Yin 30
Equipment needed: Blocks Yoga Mat Cushions
Low | YOGA | Yin | Tash | 30 minutes

Join Justin for a 30 minute Combat HIIT workout.

A fast and furious workout designed to fire up your metabolism, incorporating high-energy combat work and intense conditioning training. Build with the beat and overcome each round in the ultimate calorie burner. Expect a combination of speed, power and explosive movements!

Combat HIIT 30
Equipment needed: None
High | HIIT | Combat HIIT | Justin | 30 minutes

Join Rachele for a 45 minute Rhythm workout.

Rhythm is all about letting the music take control. Get ready to immerse yourself in the energy and catch that beat. The bike, the rhythm and the instructor will push you to your limits in the most addictive and endorphin boosting workout around, so saddle up, zone out and feel the rhythm.

Rhythm 45
Equipment needed: Bike
Moderate | RIDE | PERFORM | Cycle Rhythm 60 | Rachele | 45 minutes

Join Katie for a 45 minute Flow class, focusing on twists.

Dynamic sequencing featuring a range of moves to challenge not only your flexibility but your strength too. Each class will focus on a different aspect of flow - from interesting standing sequences to exploring arm balances and creative transitions. Starting and closing each class with presence on the mat and awareness in your body, you’ll feel refreshed and empowered to take on the rest of your day and continue your yoga journey with confidence. This series is perfect for build strength and flexibility in equal measure, exploring creative poses and transitions and realising your greatness.

Fit Flow Series (2) - Flow 45
Equipment needed: Yoga Mat
Low | YOGA | Flow | Katie S | 45 minutes

Join Richard for a 45 minute Ride workout to a House music playlist.

Clip in for our signature Ride workout and enjoy the Digme experience from the comfort of your own home. Concentrate on your numbers or lose yourself in the music – either way you’ll get a fantastic, challenging workout which will leave you buzzing. 

5 type
House & Hills - Ride 45
Equipment needed: Bike
Moderate | RIDE | PERFORM | Ride | Richard | 45 minutes

Join Emi for a 30 minute Matrix Meta workout.

Our Live Matrix Meta is the ultimate metabolic conditioning workout. Meta is ancient Greek for 'go beyond' and that's exactly what you will do in Matrix Meta. Prepare to ramp up the intensity from the comfort of your own home!

HIIT Meta 30
Equipment needed: None
High | HIIT | MATRIX META | Emi | 30 minutes

Join Christina for a 45 minute Rhythm workout.

Rhythm is all about letting the music take control. Get ready to immerse yourself in the energy and catch that beat. The bike, the rhythm and the instructor will push you to your limits in the most addictive and endorphin boosting workout around, so saddle up, zone out and feel the rhythm.

Rhythm 45
Equipment needed: Bike
Moderate | RIDE | PERFORM | Cycle Rhythm 60 | 45 minutes

Join Ben for a 45 minute Strength class.

Strength is our exciting new workout where you can use your Kettlebells or Dumbbells. These workouts are designed to help bullet proof your body. Think full body, control and expect expert coaching. A strong body is a happy body, right?!

Strength 45
Equipment needed: Dumbbells
Moderate | STRENGTH | Strength Live | Ben | 45 minutes

Join Darren for a 45 minute Ride workout.

Clip in for our signature Ride workout and enjoy the Digme experience from the comfort of your own home. Concentrate on your numbers or lose yourself in the music – either way you’ll get a fantastic, challenging workout which will leave you buzzing.

5 type
Ride 45
Equipment needed: Bike
Moderate | RIDE | PERFORM | Ride | Darren | 45 minutes

Join Ben for The Wake Up Walk. 

Kick start your day with this feel good, live streamed 30 minute guided walk. The walk will be guided by inspiration, music and the odd special ‘Walk and Talk’, where guests will join the conversation. Come rain or shine, the walk will be on - all you need is your headphones, mobile phone, a connection. The Wake Up Walk is the perfect way to get outdoors and start the day the right way.

Wake Up Walk
Equipment needed: None
Low | OUTDOORS | The Wake Up Walk Live | Ben | 30 minutes

Join Ben for a live 30 minute audio-coached virtual run. Whether you're running, walking or a mixture of the two - grab your trainers and your headphones and tune in for some inspiring guest conversation!⁠ Think of it as a podcast with a playlist – the perfect companion to make your run fly by!

FREE type
Virtual Run Club with Jason Hussain, Hyperice
Equipment needed: None
Low | OUTDOORS | Virtual Run Club Live | Ben | 30 minutes

Join Katie for a 30 minute Flow class.

Dynamic sequencing featuring a range of moves to challenge not only your flexibility but your strength too. Each class will focus on a different aspect of flow - from interesting standing sequences to exploring arm balances and creative transitions. Starting and closing each class with presence on the mat and awareness in your body, you’ll feel refreshed and empowered to take on the rest of your day and continue your yoga journey with confidence. This series is perfect for build strength and flexibility in equal measure, exploring creative poses and transitions and realising your greatness.

5 type
Fit Flow Series (3) - Flow 30
Equipment needed: Yoga Mat
Low | YOGA | Flow | Katie S | 30 minutes

Join Laura for The Wake Up Walk. 

Kick start your day with this feel good, live streamed 30 minute guided walk. The walk will be guided by inspiration, music and the odd special ‘Walk and Talk’, where guests will join the conversation. Come rain or shine, the walk will be on - all you need is your headphones, mobile phone, a connection. The Wake Up Walk is the perfect way to get outdoors and start the day the right way.

Wake Up Walk
Equipment needed: None
Low | OUTDOORS | The Wake Up Walk Live | Laura Messin | 30 minutes

Join Laura for a 45 minute Perform workout.

Clip in and join our Perform workout to push your own effort and endurance levels whilst riding to the rhythm. You'll do a FTP test at the beginning of the class which will then set your effort levels for the rest of your workout, which is unique to you. If you're looking to add strength to your cycling, this class is for you.

Perform 45
Equipment needed: Bike
Moderate | RIDE | PERFORM | Perform | Laura | 45 minutes

Join Vitor for a 45 minute Matrix Meta workout.

Our Live Matrix Meta is the ultimate metabolic conditioning workout. Meta is ancient Greek for 'go beyond' and that's exactly what you will do in Matrix Meta. Prepare to ramp up the intensity from the comfort of your own home!

HIIT Meta 45
Equipment needed: None
High | HIIT | MATRIX META | 45 minutes

Join Emi for The Wake Up Walk. 

Kick start your day with this feel good, live streamed 30 minute guided walk. The walk will be guided by inspiration, music and the odd special ‘Walk and Talk’, where guests will join the conversation. Come rain or shine, the walk will be on - all you need is your headphones, mobile phone, a connection. The Wake Up Walk is the perfect way to get outdoors and start the day the right way.

Wake Up Walk
Equipment needed: None
Low | OUTDOORS | The Wake Up Walk Live | Emi | 30 minutes

Join Emi for 30 minute Ride workout.

Clip in for our signature Ride workout and enjoy the Digme experience from the comfort of your own home. Concentrate on your numbers or lose yourself in the music – either way you’ll get a fantastic, challenging workout which will leave you buzzing.

30 Minute Blast - Ride 30
Equipment needed: Bike
Moderate | RIDE | PERFORM | Ride | Emi | 30 minutes

Join Ben for a live 30 minute audio-coached virtual run.

Whether you're running, walking or a mixture of the two - grab your trainers and your headphones and tune in for some inspiring guest conversation!⁠ Think of it as a podcast with a playlist – the perfect companion to make your run fly by!

FREE type
Virtual Run Club with Lolly Campbell
Equipment needed: None
Low | OUTDOORS | Virtual Run Club Live | Ben | 30 minutes

Join Gandha for a 45 minute Flow class.

A calm and steady breath-lead vinyasa flow, giving you time and space to explore and move into those spaces in the body that need some attention. This class is accessible to all. Simply moving with intention, with some nice moments to pause, and always remembering to breathe. 

5 type
Flow 45
Equipment needed: Yoga Mat
Low | YOGA | Flow | Gandha | 45 minutes

Join Laua for a live 30 minute audio-coached virtual run.

Whether you're running, walking or a mixture of the two - grab your trainers and your headphones and tune in for some inspiring guest conversation!⁠ Think of it as a podcast with a playlist – the perfect companion to make your run fly by!

Wake Up Walk
Equipment needed: None
Low | OUTDOORS | The Wake Up Walk Live | Laura Messin | 30 minutes

Join Ciaran for a 40 minute 90's themed Rhythm workout.

Rhythm is all about letting the music take control. Get ready to immerse yourself in the energy and catch that beat. The bike, the rhythm and the instructor will push you to your limits in the most addictive and endorphin boosting workout around, so saddle up, zone out and feel the rhythm.

90's Rhythm - Rhythm 40
Equipment needed: Bike
Moderate | RIDE | PERFORM | Cycle Rhythm 60 | Ciaran | 40 minutes

Join Rosie for a live 30 minute audio-coached virtual run.

Whether you're running, walking or a mixture of the two - grab your trainers and your headphones and tune in for some inspiring guest conversation!⁠ Think of it as a podcast with a playlist – the perfect companion to make your run fly by!

Wake Up Walk
Equipment needed: None
Low | OUTDOORS | The Wake Up Walk Live | RoRo | 30 minutes

Join Justin for a 45 minute Total Body workout.

Based on three elements - run, condition, move - our 45 minute workouts have been specifically designed to be a total body workout. The mix of short and hard work interspersed with rest periods will leave you burning energy for hours!

HIIT Total Body 45
Equipment needed: None
High | HIIT | Matrix Total Body | Justin | 45 minutes

Join Emi for The Wake Up Walk. 

Kick start your day with this feel good, live streamed 30 minute guided walk. The walk will be guided by inspiration, music and the odd special ‘Walk and Talk’, where guests will join the conversation. Come rain or shine, the walk will be on - all you need is your headphones, mobile phone, a connection. The Wake Up Walk is the perfect way to get outdoors and start the day the right way.

Wake Up Walk - Emi
Equipment needed: None
Low | OUTDOORS | The Wake Up Walk Live | Emi | 30 minutes

Join Sion for 60 minute Perform workout.

Clip in and join our Perform workout to push your own effort and endurance levels whilst riding to the rhythm. You'll do a FTP test at the beginning of the class which will then set your effort levels for the rest of your workout, which is unique to you. If you're looking to add strength to your cycling, this class is for you.

Perform 60
Equipment needed: Bike
Moderate | RIDE | PERFORM | Perform | Sion | 60 minutes

Join Ben for The Wake Up Walk. 

Kick start your day with this feel good, live streamed 30 minute guided walk. The walk will be guided by inspiration, music and the odd special ‘Walk and Talk’, where guests will join the conversation. Come rain or shine, the walk will be on - all you need is your headphones, mobile phone, a connection. The Wake Up Walk is the perfect way to get outdoors and start the day the right way.

Wake Up Walk - Ben
Equipment needed: None
Low | OUTDOORS | The Wake Up Walk Live | Ben | 30 minutes

Join Ben for a live 30 minute audio-coached virtual run.

Whether you're running, walking or a mixture of the two - grab your trainers and your headphones and tune in for some inspiring guest conversation!⁠ Think of it as a podcast with a playlist – the perfect companion to make your run fly by!

FREE type
Virtual Run Club with Rich Carson
Equipment needed: None
Low | OUTDOORS | Virtual Run Club Live | Ben | 30 minutes

Join Kim for a 30 minute Flow class focused on releasing any tension from sitting at your desk.

A calm and steady breath-lead vinyasa flow, giving you time and space to explore and move into those spaces in the body that need some attention. This class is accessible to all. Simply moving with intention, with some nice moments to pause, and always remembering to breathe. 

Desk Therapy Series (1) - Flow 30
Equipment needed: Yoga Mat
Low | YOGA | Flow | Kim | 30 minutes

Join Ben for 30 minute Ride workout to the best soundtrack around - The Greatest Showman!

Clip in for our signature Ride workout and enjoy the Digme experience from the comfort of your own home. Concentrate on your numbers or lose yourself in the music – either way you’ll get a fantastic, challenging workout which will leave you buzzing. 

5 type
The Greatest Showman - Ride 30
Equipment needed: Bike
Moderate | RIDE | PERFORM | Ride | Ben | 30 minutes

Join Emily for a 30 minute Matrix Meta workout.

Our Live Matrix Meta is the ultimate metabolic conditioning workout. Meta is ancient Greek for 'go beyond' and that's exactly what you will do in Matrix Meta. Prepare to ramp up the intensity from the comfort of your own home!

HIIT Meta 30
Equipment needed: None
High | HIIT | MATRIX META | Emily M | 30 minutes

Join Eithne for a 45 minute Power class focusing on Handstands. 

Get ready to fire up though an energetic, dynamic vinyasa practice. We link powerful, rhythmic breath with powerful movements in a challenging creative flow with a introduction to handstands. This class will condition, strengthen and lengthen the full body, while resetting the mind.

Handstand Workshop - Power 45
Equipment needed: Yoga Mat
Moderate | YOGA | Power Yoga: Handstand Focus | Eithne | 45 minutes

Join Ben for a live 30 minute audio-coached virtual run.

Whether you're running, walking or a mixture of the two - grab your trainers and your headphones and tune in for some inspiring guest conversation!⁠ Think of it as a podcast with a playlist – the perfect companion to make your run fly by!

FREE type
Virtual Run Club with Max
Equipment needed: None
Low | OUTDOORS | Virtual Run Club Live | Ben | 30 minutes

Join Rachele for a 45 minute Rhythm workout.

Rhythm is all about letting the music take control. Get ready to immerse yourself in the energy and catch that beat. The bike, the rhythm and the instructor will push you to your limits in the most addictive and endorphin boosting workout around, so saddle up, zone out and feel the rhythm.

Dance Anthems - Rhythm 45
Equipment needed: Bike
Moderate | RIDE | PERFORM | Cycle Rhythm 60 | Rachele | 45 minutes

Join Emi for a 30 minute Total Body workout.

Based on three elements - run, condition, move - our 45 minute workouts have been specifically designed to be a total body workout. The mix of short and hard work interspersed with rest periods will leave you burning energy for hours!

HIIT Total Body 30
Equipment needed: None
High | HIIT | Matrix Total Body | Emi | 30 minutes

Join Richard for a 45 minute Ride workout.

Clip in for our signature Ride workout and enjoy the Digme experience from the comfort of your own home. Concentrate on your numbers or lose yourself in the music – either way you’ll get a fantastic, challenging workout which will leave you buzzing.

5 type
Afrobeats & House - Ride 45
Equipment needed: Bike
Moderate | RIDE | PERFORM | Ride | Richard | 45 minutes

Join Lucy for a 45 minute Power class.

Our Power class is designed to fire you up though an energetic, dynamic vinyasa practice. We link powerful, rhythmic breath with powerful movements in a challenging creative flow. This class will condition, strengthen and lengthen the full body, while resetting the mind. 

Power 45
Equipment needed: Yoga Mat
Moderate | YOGA | Power | Lucy H | 45 minutes

Join Leone for 45 minute Ride workout to the best Rock music around.

Clip in for our signature Ride workout and enjoy the Digme experience from the comfort of your own home. Concentrate on your numbers or lose yourself in the music – either way you’ll get a fantastic, challenging workout which will leave you buzzing. 

Rock & Ride - Ride 45
Equipment needed: Bike
Moderate | RIDE | PERFORM | Ride | Leone | 45 minutes

Join Ben for a 30 minute Strength for Runners workout.

Strength is our exciting new workout where you can use your Kettlebells or Dumbbells. These workouts are designed to help bullet proof your body when you're pounding the pavement. Think full body, control and expect expert coaching. A strong body is a happy body, right?!

Runners Strength 30
Equipment needed: None
Moderate | STRENGTH | Strength for Runners Live | Ben | 30 minutes

Join Emi for 45 minute Ride workout to the best African tunes around.

Clip in for our signature Ride workout and enjoy the Digme experience from the comfort of your own home. Concentrate on your numbers or lose yourself in the music – either way you’ll get a fantastic, challenging workout which will leave you buzzing. 

African - Ride 45
Equipment needed: Bike
Moderate | RIDE | PERFORM | Ride | Emi | 45 minutes

Join Kim for a 45 minute Flow class focused on releasing any tension from sitting at your desk.

A calm and steady breath-lead vinyasa flow, giving you time and space to explore and move into those spaces in the body that need some attention. This class is accessible to all. Simply moving with intention, with some nice moments to pause, and always remembering to breathe. 

Desk Therapy Series (2) - Flow 45
Equipment needed: Yoga Mat
Low | YOGA | Unwind | Kim | 45 minutes

Join Sion for a 6 video series to build your FTP (Functional Threshold Power). 

Whether you are a regular Perform class rider, or new to our signature Cycle class, this is series is perfect for pushing your own effort and endurance levels whilst riding to the rhythm. 

5 type
FTP Builder Series (6) - Perform 45
Equipment needed: Bike
Moderate | RIDE | PERFORM | Perform | Sion | 45 minutes

Join Sion for a 6 video series to build your FTP (Functional Threshold Power).

Whether you are a regular Perform class rider, or new to our signature Cycle class, this is series is perfect for pushing your own effort and endurance levels whilst riding to the rhythm.

5 type
FTP Builder Series (5) - Perform 45
Equipment needed: Bike
Moderate | RIDE | PERFORM | Perform | Sion | 45 minutes

Join Sion for a 6 video series to build your FTP (Functional Threshold Power).

Whether you are a regular Perform class rider, or new to our signature Cycle class, this is series is perfect for pushing your own effort and endurance levels whilst riding to the rhythm.

5 type
FTP Builder Series (4) - Perform 45
Equipment needed: Bike
Moderate | RIDE | PERFORM | Perform | Sion | 45 minutes

Join Sion for a 6 video series to build your FTP (Functional Threshold Power).

Whether you are a regular Perform class rider, or new to our signature Cycle class, this is series is perfect for pushing your own effort and endurance levels whilst riding to the rhythm.

FTP Builder Series (3) - Perform 45
Equipment needed: Bike
Moderate | RIDE | PERFORM | Perform | Sion | 45 minutes

Join Sion for a 6 video series to build your FTP (Functional Threshold Power).

Whether you are a regular Perform class rider, or new to our signature Cycle class, this is series is perfect for pushing your own effort and endurance levels whilst riding to the rhythm.

FTP Builder Series (2) - Perform 45
Equipment needed: Bike
Moderate | RIDE | PERFORM | Perform | Sion | 45 minutes

Join Sion for a 6 video series to build your FTP (Functional Threshold Power).

Whether you are a regular Perform class rider, or new to our signature Cycle class, this is series is perfect for pushing your own effort and endurance levels whilst riding to the rhythm.

FTP Builder Series (1) - Perform 45
Equipment needed: Bike
Moderate | RIDE | PERFORM | Perform | Sion | 45 minutes

Join Justin for a 45 minute Combat HIIT workout.

A fast and furious workout designed to fire up your metabolism, incorporating high-energy combat work and intense conditioning training. Build with the beat and overcome each round in the ultimate calorie burner. Expect a combination of speed, power and explosive movements!

Combat HIIT 45
Equipment needed: None
High | HIIT | Combat HIIT | Justin | 45 minutes

Join Frances for 45 minute Ride workout to the ultimate Iziba Club Classics.

Clip in for our signature Ride workout and enjoy the Digme experience from the comfort of your own home. Concentrate on your numbers or lose yourself in the music – either way you’ll get a fantastic, challenging workout which will leave you buzzing. 

5 type
Ibiza Club Classics - Ride 45
Equipment needed: Bike
Moderate | RIDE | PERFORM | Ride | Frances | 45 minutes

Join Ben for a live 30 minute audio-coached virtual run.

Whether you're running, walking or a mixture of the two - grab your trainers and your headphones and tune in for some inspiring guest conversation!⁠ Think of it as a podcast with a playlist – the perfect companion to make your run fly by!

FREE type
Virtual Run Club with Rachele
Equipment needed: None
Low | OUTDOORS | Run Club | Ben | 30 minutes

Join Eithne for a 30 minute Power Flow Mashup.

Power Flow is designed to build strength and flexibility, with an emphasis on upper body and core strength. Flowing sequences promote grace and stability while longer holds develop strength. Expect to build muscle strength and improve flexibility, coordination and range of motion. These classes incorporate low-impact movements and are suitable for all levels.

Power Flow Mashup - Power 30
Equipment needed: Yoga Mat Blocks
Moderate | YOGA | Power Flow | Eithne | 30 minutes

Join Dan for a 15 minute total body recovery session.

Recover by Hyperice unlocks your potential and enhance your movement, preparation and recovery. Recovery will enable you to move better by focusing on activating, soothing and loosening your muscles whenever you need it the most. Ideal either before a class, a race, a break whilst WFH to energise and refresh or even as part of your wind down routine before bed to aid recovery.

FREE type
Total Body Flow 15
Equipment needed: Hyperice
Low | RECOVER BY HYPERICE | Recover by Hyperice | Dan | 15 minutes

Join Dan for a 6 minute recover session, helping to get your body ready to move. 

Recover by Hyperice unlocks your potential and enhance your movement, preparation and recovery. Recovery will enable you to move better by focusing on activating, soothing and loosening your muscles whenever you need it the most. Ideal either before a class, a race, a break whilst WFH to energise and refresh or even as part of your wind down routine before bed to aid recovery.

FREE type
Pre-Activity Body Preparation 6
Equipment needed: Hyperice
Low | RECOVER BY HYPERICE | Recover by Hyperice | Dan | 6 minutes

Join Dan for a 8 minute cool down with Hyperice. 

Recover by Hyperice unlocks your potential and enhance your movement, preparation and recovery. Recovery will enable you to move better by focusing on activating, soothing and loosening your muscles whenever you need it the most. Ideal either before a class, a race, a break whilst WFH to energise and refresh or even as part of your wind down routine before bed to aid recovery.

FREE type
Cool-down Flow 8
Equipment needed: Hyperice
Low | RECOVER BY HYPERICE | Recover by Hyperice | Dan | 8 minutes

Join Dan for a 5 minute session focused on getting you run ready!

Recover by Hyperice unlocks your potential and enhance your movement, preparation and recovery. Recovery will enable you to move better by focusing on activating, soothing and loosening your muscles whenever you need it the most. Ideal either before a class, a race, a break whilst WFH to energise and refresh or even as part of your wind down routine before bed to aid recovery.

FREE type
Get Run Ready 5
Equipment needed: Hyperice
Low | RECOVER BY HYPERICE | Recover by Hyperice | Dan | 5 minutes

Join Dan for a 10 minute recovery session focusing on releasing all the tension that builds up from sitting at your desk.

Recover by Hyperice unlocks your potential and enhance your movement, preparation and recovery. Recovery will enable you to move better by focusing on activating, soothing and loosening your muscles whenever you need it the most. Ideal either before a class, a race, a break whilst WFH to energise and refresh or even as part of your wind down routine before bed to aid recovery.

FREE type
WFH Flow 10
Equipment needed: Hyperice
Low | RECOVER BY HYPERICE | Recover by Hyperice | Dan | 10 minutes

Join Christina for a 45 minute Rhythm workout to an epic playlist - Pete Tong's Club Classics.

Rhythm is all about letting the music take control. Get ready to immerse yourself in the energy and catch that beat. The bike, the rhythm and the instructor will push you to your limits in the most addictive and endorphin boosting workout around, so saddle up, zone out and feel the rhythm.

Pete Tong's Club Classics - Rhythm 45
Equipment needed: Bike
Moderate | RIDE | PERFORM | Cycle Rhythm 60 | 45 minutes

Join Frances for a 30 minute Total Body workout.

Based on three elements - run, condition, move - our 45 minute workouts have been specifically designed to be a total body workout. The mix of short and hard work interspersed with rest periods will leave you burning energy for hours!

HIIT Total Body 30
Equipment needed: None
High | HIIT | Matrix Total Body | Frances | 30 minutes

Join Chloe for her epic Garage Anthems 45 minute Ride workout.

Clip in for our signature Ride workout and enjoy the Digme experience from the comfort of your own home. Concentrate on your numbers or lose yourself in the music – either way you’ll get a fantastic, challenging workout which will leave you buzzing. 

Garage Anthems - Ride 45
Equipment needed: Bike
Moderate | RIDE | PERFORM | Ride | Chloe | 45 minutes

Join Ben for a live 30 minute audio-coached virtual run.

Whether you're running, walking or a mixture of the two - grab your trainers and your headphones and tune in for some inspiring guest conversation!⁠ Think of it as a podcast with a playlist – the perfect companion to make your run fly by! 

FREE type
Virtual Run Club with Emily M
Equipment needed: None
Low | OUTDOORS | Virtual Run Club Live | Ben | 30 minutes

Join Sarah for a 30 minute Fundamentals class.

This series is designed to build confidence and technique for those newer to yoga. Each 30 minute class will focus on a specific set of techniques or postures that are needed for any Vinyasa Yoga class. Sarah uses repetition to build strength, flexibility and stamina, helping you to work your way up towards longer classes. This series is perfect for learning techniques and postures, building strength and flexibility, and unlocking your potential to move forward with your practice.

Journey into Yoga for Beginners Series (5)
Equipment needed: Yoga Mat
Low | YOGA | Fundamentals | Sarah | 30 minutes

Join Sarah for a 30 minute Fundamentals class.

This series is designed to build confidence and technique for those newer to yoga. Each 30 minute class will focus on a specific set of techniques or postures that are needed for any Vinyasa Yoga class. Sarah uses repetition to build strength, flexibility and stamina, helping you to work your way up towards longer classes. This series is perfect for learning techniques and postures, building strength and flexibility, and unlocking your potential to move forward with your practice.

Journey into Yoga for Beginners Series (4)
Equipment needed: Yoga Mat
Low | YOGA | Fundamentals | Sarah | 30 minutes

Join Sarah for a 30 minute Fundamentals class.

This series is designed to build confidence and technique for those newer to yoga. Each 30 minute class will focus on a specific set of techniques or postures that are needed for any Vinyasa Yoga class. Sarah uses repetition to build strength, flexibility and stamina, helping you to work your way up towards longer classes. This series is perfect for learning techniques and postures, building strength and flexibility, and unlocking your potential to move forward with your practice.

Journey into Yoga for Beginners Series (3)
Equipment needed: Yoga Mat
Low | YOGA | Fundamentals | Sarah | 30 minutes

Join Sarah for a 30 minute Fundamentals class.

This series is designed to build confidence and technique for those newer to yoga. Each 30 minute class will focus on a specific set of techniques or postures that are needed for any Vinyasa Yoga class. Sarah uses repetition to build strength, flexibility and stamina, helping you to work your way up towards longer classes. This series is perfect for learning techniques and postures, building strength and flexibility, and unlocking your potential to move forward with your practice.

5 type
Journey into Yoga for Beginners Series (2)
Equipment needed: Yoga Mat
Low | YOGA | Fundamentals | Sarah | 30 minutes

Join Sarah for a 30 minute Fundamentals class, focusing on building the Vinyasa.

This series is designed to build confidence and technique for those newer to yoga. Each 30 minute class will focus on a specific set of techniques or postures that are needed for any Vinyasa Yoga class. Sarah uses repetition to build strength, flexibility and stamina, helping you to work your way up towards longer classes. This series is perfect for learning techniques and postures, building strength and flexibility, and unlocking your potential to move forward with your practice.

4.5 type
Journey into Yoga for Beginners Series (1)
Equipment needed: Yoga Mat
Low | YOGA | Fundamentals | Sarah | 30 minutes

Join Louise for a 45 minute Rhythm workout to Beyonce's greatest hits.

Rhythm is all about letting the music take control. Get ready to immerse yourself in the energy and catch that beat. The bike, the rhythm and the instructor will push you to your limits in the most addictive and endorphin boosting workout around, so saddle up, zone out and feel the rhythm.

Beyoncé - Rhythm 45
Equipment needed: Bike
Moderate | RIDE | PERFORM | Cycle Rhythm 60 | Louise | 45 minutes

Join Emily for a 30 minute Strength class.

Strength is our exciting new workout where you can use your Kettlebells or Dumbbells, or join us for a bodyweight workout. These are designed to help bullet proof your body. Think full body, control and expect expert coaching. A strong body is a happy body, right?!

Strength 30
Equipment needed: None
Moderate | STRENGTH | Strength Bodyweight Live | Emily M | 30 minutes

Join Rosie for her feel good Cheesy Pop Ride.

Clip in for our signature Ride workout and enjoy the Digme experience from the comfort of your own home. Concentrate on your numbers or lose yourself in the music – either way you’ll get a fantastic, challenging workout which will leave you buzzing. 

5 type
Cheesy Pop Ride 30
Equipment needed: Bike
Moderate | RIDE | PERFORM | Ride | RoRo | 30 minutes

Join Ben for a live 30 minute audio-coached virtual run.

Whether you're running, walking or a mixture of the two - grab your trainers and your headphones and tune in for some inspiring guest conversation!⁠ Think of it as a podcast with a playlist – the perfect companion to make your run fly by! 

FREE type
Virtual Run Club with Ben Blowes
Equipment needed: None
Low | OUTDOORS | Virtual Run Club Live | Ben | 30 minutes

Join Lucy for a 30 minute Power class focusing on building hamsting strength.

Our Power class is designed to fire you up though an energetic, dynamic vinyasa practice. We link powerful, rhythmic breath with powerful movements in a challenging creative flow. This class will condition, strengthen and lengthen the full body, while resetting the mind. 

Strengthening Hamstrings 30
Equipment needed: Yoga Mat Blocks
Moderate | YOGA | Flow | Lucy H | 30 minutes

Join Sophie for a 45 minute Rhythm Rock workout!

Rhythm is all about letting the music take control. Get ready to immerse yourself in the energy and catch that beat. The bike, the rhythm and the instructor will push you to your limits in the most addictive and endorphin boosting workout around, so saddle up, zone out and feel the rhythm.

Rhythm Rock 45
Equipment needed: Bike
Moderate | RIDE | PERFORM | Cycle Rhythm 60 | Sophie Maggie | 45 minutes

Join Chloe for a 45 minute Matrix Meta workout.

Our Live Matrix Meta is the ultimate metabolic conditioning workout. Meta is ancient Greek for 'go beyond' and that's exactly what you will do in Matrix Meta. Prepare to ramp up the intensity from the comfort of your own home!

5 type
HIIT Meta 45
Equipment needed: None
High | HIIT | MATRIX META | Chloe | 45 minutes

Join Darren for his 45 minute Ride.


Clip in for our signature Ride workout and enjoy the Digme experience from the comfort of your own home.

Concentrate on your numbers or lose yourself in the music – either way you’ll get a fantastic, challenging workout which will leave you buzzing.

Ride 45
Equipment needed: Bike
Moderate | RIDE | PERFORM | Ride | Darren | 45 minutes

Join Ben for a live 30 minute audio-coached virtual run.

Whether you're running, walking or a mixture of the two - grab your trainers and your headphones and tune in for some inspiring guest conversation!⁠ Think of it as a podcast with a playlist – the perfect companion to make your run fly by! 

FREE type
Virtual Run Club with Charlie
Equipment needed: None
Low | OUTDOORS | Virtual Run Club Live | Ben | 30 minutes

Join Katie for 45 minute Unwind class.

This series is dedicated to self-care. Part of our yoga practice is to nourish the body and free the mind. Combine gentle movement and still stretching to rejuvenate your body and help you ground both your body and your practice. Focusing on those areas of the body that need most attention - shoulders, hips, lower back, this series is perfect for finding space in your busy life to calm your mind, releasing tension, and easing those everyday aches and pains. Make sure to have something you can use as a strap, yoga blocks or cushions and a blanket at the ready.

Calm Body, Calm Mind (3) - Unwind 45
Equipment needed: Yoga Mat Blocks Pillows
Low | YOGA | Unwind | Katie S | 45 minutes

Join Leone for her Hip Hop Ride.

Clip in for our signature Ride workout and enjoy the Digme experience from the comfort of your own home. Concentrate on your numbers or lose yourself in the music – either way you’ll get a fantastic, challenging workout which will leave you buzzing.

5 type
Hip Hop - Ride 30
Equipment needed: bike
Moderate | RIDE | PERFORM | Ride | Leone | 30 minutes

Join Annie for her 45 minute Ride.

Clip in for our signature Ride workout and enjoy the Digme experience from the comfort of your own home. Concentrate on your numbers or lose yourself in the music – either way you’ll get a fantastic, challenging workout which will leave you buzzing.

5 type
Ride 45
Equipment needed: bike
Moderate | RIDE | PERFORM | Ride | Annie | 45 minutes

Join Ben for a live 30 minute audio-coached virtual run. Whether you're running, walking or a mixture of the two - grab your trainers and your headphones and tune in for some inspiring guest conversation!⁠ Think of it as a podcast with a playlist – the perfect companion to make your run fly by!

FREE type
Virtual Run Club with Harry, Kind Snacks
Equipment needed: None
Low | OUTDOORS | Virtual Run Club Live | Ben | 30 minutes

Join Eithne for a 60 minute Flow class focusing on Handstands.
Get ready to fire up though an energetic, dynamic vinyasa practice. We link powerful, rhythmic breath with powerful movements in a challenging creative flow with a introduction to handstands. This class will condition, strengthen and lengthen the full body, while resetting the mind.

Handstand Workshop - Flow 60
Equipment needed: yoga mat
Moderate | YOGA | Flow | Eithne | 60 minutes

Join Christina for a 45 minute Rhythm workout to an epic playlist - Chart Hits.
Rhythm is all about letting the music take control. Get ready to immerse yourself in the energy and catch that beat. The bike, the rhythm and the instructor will push you to your limits in the most addictive and endorphin boosting workout around, so saddle up, zone out and feel the rhythm.

Chart Hits - Rhythm 45
Equipment needed: Bike
Moderate | RIDE | PERFORM | Cycle Rhythm 60 | 45 minutes

Join Emily for a 45 minute Total Body workout.

Based on three elements - run, condition, move - our 45 minute workouts have been specifically designed to be a total body workout. The mix of short and hard work interspersed with rest periods will leave you burning energy for hours!

HIIT Total Body 45
Equipment needed: None
High | HIIT | Matrix Total Body | Emily M | 45 minutes

Join Frances for her 45 minute Ride to the epic playlist of Adele vs Ed Sheeran.
Clip in for our signature Ride workout and enjoy the Digme experience from the comfort of your own home. Concentrate on your numbers or lose yourself in the music – either way you’ll get a fantastic, challenging workout which will leave you buzzing.

Adele vs Ed Sheeran - Ride 45
Equipment needed: Bike
Moderate | RIDE | PERFORM | Ride | Frances | 45 minutes

Join Ben for a live 30 minute audio-coached virtual run. Whether you're running, walking or a mixture of the two - grab your trainers and your headphones and tune in for some inspiring guest conversation!⁠ Think of it as a podcast with a playlist – the perfect companion to make your run fly by!

FREE type
Virtual Run Club with Kate I'Anson
Equipment needed: None
Low | OUTDOORS | Virtual Run Club Live | Ben | 30 minutes

Join Sarah for a 60 minute Power class focusing on twisting your body.
This series of powerful creative vinyasa yoga sequences focuses on building stamina, strength, stability and all round body conditioning. Prepare to move, sweat and push yourself to feel like you’ve had an all-round workout. Each of these creative, dynamic flows will fire you up, and focus in on exploring a specific set of postures, like backbends, arm balances, and inversions. This series is perfect for connecting your breath and body, creating full-body awareness and improving your balance, strength, flexibility, and focus.

5 type
Power Play Series (4) - Power 60
Equipment needed: Yoga Mat
Moderate | YOGA | Power | Sarah | 60 minutes

Join Sophie for her 30 minute Rhythm workout.
Rhythm is all about letting the music take control. Get ready to immerse yourself in the energy and catch that beat. The bike, the rhythm and the instructor will push you to your limits in the most addictive and endorphin boosting workout around, so saddle up, zone out and feel the rhythm.

Dance - Rhythm 30
Equipment needed: Bike
Moderate | RIDE | PERFORM | Cycle Rhythm 60 | Sophie Maggie | 30 minutes

Join Chloe for her Latino Ride

Clip in for our signature Ride workout and enjoy the Digme experience from the comfort of your own home. Concentrate on your numbers or lose yourself in the music – either way you’ll get a fantastic, challenging workout which will leave you buzzing.

Latino - Ride 45
Equipment needed: Bike
Moderate | RIDE | PERFORM | Ride | Chloe | 45 minutes

Join Ben for a live 30 minute audio-coached virtual run. Whether you're running, walking or a mixture of the two - grab your trainers and your headphones and tune in for some inspiring guest conversation!⁠ Think of it as a podcast with a playlist – the perfect companion to make your run fly by!

FREE type
Virtual Run Club with Dean Hammond
Equipment needed: None
Low | OUTDOORS | Virtual Run Club Live | Ben | 30 minutes

Join Lucy for a 45 minute Power Flow Mashup.

Power Flow is designed to build strength and flexibility, with an emphasis on upper body and core strength. Flowing sequences promote grace and stability while longer holds develop strength. Expect to build muscle strength and improve flexibility, coordination and range of motion. These classes incorporate low-impact movements and are suitable for all levels.

Power Flow - 45
Equipment needed: Yoga Mat
Moderate | YOGA | Power | Lucy H | 45 minutes

Join Rosie for her signature Ride class, remixed!

Clip in for our signature Ride workout and enjoy the Digme experience from the comfort of your own home. Concentrate on your numbers or lose yourself in the music – either way you’ll get a fantastic, challenging workout which will leave you buzzing.

Ride Remixed - 45
Equipment needed: Bike
Moderate | RIDE | PERFORM | Ride | RoRo | 45 minutes

Live Classes

CYCLE RIDE LIVE RIDE | PERFORM CYCLE RIDE LIVE Frances 12 March 2025, 07:00 - 07:45
CYCLE RIDE LIVE RIDE | PERFORM CYCLE RIDE LIVE Dan 14 March 2025, 07:00 - 07:45
CYCLE RIDE LIVE RIDE | PERFORM CYCLE RIDE LIVE Frances 15 March 2025, 08:00 - 08:45
CYCLE RIDE LIVE RIDE | PERFORM CYCLE RIDE LIVE Frances 19 March 2025, 07:00 - 07:45
CYCLE RIDE LIVE RIDE | PERFORM CYCLE RIDE LIVE Dan 21 March 2025, 07:00 - 07:45
CYCLE RIDE LIVE RIDE | PERFORM CYCLE RIDE LIVE Frances 22 March 2025, 08:00 - 08:45
CYCLE RIDE LIVE RIDE | PERFORM CYCLE RIDE LIVE Frances 26 March 2025, 07:00 - 07:45
CYCLE RIDE LIVE RIDE | PERFORM CYCLE RIDE LIVE Dan 28 March 2025, 07:00 - 07:45
CYCLE RIDE LIVE RIDE | PERFORM CYCLE RIDE LIVE Frances 29 March 2025, 08:00 - 08:45







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VIP credits gives you advanced class booking.
You have a 7 day head start to book your spot in your favourite classes with this VIP credit!



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Your health is your responsibility. The management and staff of Digme are dedicated to helping you take every opportunity to enjoy the facilities that we offer. With this in mind, we have carefully considered what we can reasonably expect of each other.

Our commitment to you

1. We will respect your personal decisions, and allow you to make your own decisions about what exercise you can carry out. However, we ask you not to exercise beyond what you consider to be your own abilities.

2. We will make every reasonable effort to make sure that our equipment and facilities are in a safe condition for you to use and enjoy.

3. We will take all reasonable steps to make sure that our staff are qualified to the fitness industry standards as set out by the Register of Exercise Professionals.

4. If you tell us that you have a disability which puts you at a substantial disadvantage in accessing our equipment and facilities, we will consider what adjustments, if any, are reasonable for us to make.

Your commitment to us

1. You should not exercise beyond your own abilities. If you know or are concerned that you have a medical condition which might interfere with you exercising safely, before you use our equipment and facilities you should get advice from a relevant medical professional and follow that advice.

2. You should make yourself aware of any rules and instructions, including warning notices, and follow them. Exercise carries its own risks. You should not carry out any activities, which you have been told are not suitable for you.

3. You should let us know immediately if you feel ill when using our equipment or facilities. Our staff members are not qualified doctors, but there will be a person available who has first aid training.

4. If you have a disability, you must follow any reasonable instructions to allow you to exercise safely.

Limitation of liability

By attending classes, events, activities, and using the studio facilities and equipment, you hereby acknowledge on behalf of yourself, your heirs, personal representatives and/or assigns, that there are certain inherent risks and dangers in the strenuous nature of Digme classes. You acknowledge that you have voluntarily chosen to participate in intense physical exercise. You hereby agree to assume full responsibility for any and all injuries or damage, which are sustained or aggravated by you in relation to the use of equipment and/or studio facilities, and release, indemnify, and hold harmless Digme.